a sour and sweet move in

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5 months prior
Bending down, gulf came back up, to look about with a smile.
Can't believe..... We actually got this condo.
Turning abuptly, gulf chuckled to go to mew who came noisly in, carrying 3 boxes.
Grabbing them from his gulf, he turned to bend, placing them to the ground.
Mew took a deep breathe in, to then lean himself to the door frame, he smirked looking over Gulfs posture.
Moving away from the door frame, he went to him, to place his hands to either side of his waist, gulf came up, to grab his hands, to wrap them around his body, he turned his head to eye, then turned it forward to look about.
"This.... Is going to be a great place to raise our girls. Can't believe they will be born in 5 more months, I really love the suroggate. She is so nice."
Mew flexed his jaw to then place his chin to his shoulder, a bit hesitant to answer that.
Gulf rolled his eyes to then turn, he wrapped his arms around to sway them, eyes darting.
"Mew.....I know..... I've pushed you a bit into this but please..... One is yours, the other is mine, so be happy."
Mew raised an eye brow to then place his hands into Gulfs pants to squeeze his cheeks. His eye brows rose.
"You mean..... They both are mine. And.... Who could have said no, with what you did."
Gulf nodded.
"I only meant by sperm mew, but yes, they are both yours and mine. And..... You know you wanted to be a father."
Gulf stepped forward to rub his erection to his.
Mew breathed a bit in a quiver.
"You know mew......I didn't force you into this..... Least.... Not fully..... But guess.....I was a bit bad..... But you know, you love your husband more when he is being naughty"
Gulf then place his lips to his, for a breathe taking kiss.
Mew reciprocated it in full.
Yes, your didn't force this, at least not fully but gulf, I just don't know, think we're too young for this, and with his everything has....
Parting from there kiss, mew turned to eye his mother, hiding gulf behind him.
She took her hand away from it, that she knocked to look them over to roll her eyes.
Mews eyes furrowed, gulf hung his head to then turn grabbing a box.
"I'll..... Take this to our room. Mew, our bed will not be here till later."
Gulf then parted quick.
Mew then looked to his mom, who walked in, to step to the kitchen counter to place her purse upon it to eye him.
He took a deep breathe in to then walk to her.
"While you are in my home, you will not utter such things. That man in there is the love of my life, my partner, my friend and my husband, treat him with respect or get out."
Gulf to the door frame, heard it all to then smile.
She rolled her eyes.
"Fine. I'm only here, to tell you, tomorrow you need to make sure you get all your paperwork done. Since you have been lacking a bit, I have got you a secretary."
Gulfs eyes widen to sign.
Mew had been working at his father's office for the last 2 months now, after he was forced into it, things had been a bit difficult, but gulf made sure when mew came home, his mind was occupied.
They also agreed to no secretaries and no interns.
Mew looked her over.
"Mom.....I have talked to my father about this, gulf does not want..."
She scoffed.
"I do not care what he wants mew, it is best for the company. This is what you two both must deal with. I don't understand the big problem, he will be there too help you."
Gulf lips parted, mew raised his eye brow.
"Yes, he is 19, bright, smart, learns quick and eager to learn, he is someone to help you. What, is your...... Afriad of a little competition? Is that why he said no to...."
Mew took a step closer to wrap his arms around his body.
"Mom, there is no competition, I love gulf, but....... Maybe he thinks that way a bit. But...."
Gulf took a deep breathe to then go to the box to un pack, he didn't want to hear any more.
She rolled her eyes.
"I do not wish to talk about this anymore. Just go to work, do your job with this secretary, tell him, to get over it. I.... Also needed to remind you have what your father told you, you can't tell a soul about you being married, you are too appear, single, a bachelor, waiting for the right one okay. No one wants to work for a gay boss, understood? It's the Least you can do, since we paid for your apartments while you lived in sin, your poor excuse of a wedding, and helped you to pay for this condo and that surrogate. You have ran up quite a debt with us, just kept your mouth shut, and you never have to pay us back."
Mew took a deep breathe in.
"You do know, a parent is suppose to...."
She rolled her eyes to gather her purse to go to the door to wait under the frame.
"If you were straight, exactly, since your gay..... It comes with a price."
She then turned to place her hand to the handle.
"All of this..... Is nothing but depravity."
Mew narrowed his eyes.
"If you keep talking in that manner, yourll pay a steep prince."
She raised her eye brow.
"What I am speaking of is this, you utter such things again, you will not see your only grandchildren."
Her lips parted, mew then went to her.
"You..... Can't do that."
He then placed his hand to her back to gently push her out, she turned to eye.
"Watch me!"
He then slammed the door in her face.
Such a.... Bitch!
Shaking his head, he went to go find gulf.
Leaning his body to the door frame, he looked down, to see gulf to his knees, head turned playing with the edge of the box.
"Is she.... Gone?"
Mew nodded to push himself off, to go to gulf, to kneel to wrap his arms around.
"Yes, shes gone, now, what all did you hear?"
Gulf turned his head to eye, mew lightly chuckled looking over his face.
"I know you listened a bit. Come on what all did you...."
Gulf shrugged.
"Just....a bit......"
He brought his hands up to hold his arm.
"I..... Am a..... Bit insecure about that secretary mew..... I'm sorry...... Maybe if you could say you were married and we were going to be a family soon...."
Mew swayed them a bit.
"Gulf...... Nothing is going to happen.....I only have eyes for you."
Mew then grabbed types wrist to hold up his infinity bracelet, that he never took off to his eye level, they both looked to it.
He then went to his neck to nuzzle.
Gulf cooed.
"For infinity and beyond."
Gulf chuckled at the movie reference.
"Mew...... Your flirting is so cheesy..... You got that out of a famous movie."
Mew then turned gulf around, for him to place his hands to either side of his neck to then pull him down, mew hovered, there eyes darted.
"It is still true. I love you Gulf, you are my rock, my safety and my true home."
Gulfs chin quivered to then pull mews lips to his.
Has he took his tongue out slowly, they then swirled then about the other sensually.
Mew then went to his neck to nip.
Gulf turned his to moan.
"Oh mew....I love you.... Fine...... Have a.... Secretary.....I..... Trust you...."
Gulf made a face, he did trust mew, but not fully, not since there relationship stemmed from mew cheating on Santi with him.
Mew then took his hands to Gulfs pants to unbutton to unzip to take his member out to stroke, gulf gripped his neck.
"Ah mew.....mmm.... We need to.... christen our new place.....ah..... Take me....mmm.... Please....."
Mew lightly chuckled to his neck to move up to eye the sexy mess he created.
"Every..... Room?"
Gulf took his hands down, to go to his pants to unbutton to unzip, to then place them too his waist to pull his pants and boxers down, to lean his mouth up, to look with lust to his lips.
"Mmm, every room, but the nursery."
Mew rubbed his bottom lip to his.
"Fine by me, my love."
Moving about, they both undressed to make love, then more love in every room but the girls.
After, they dressed to then make a grand dinner, once they finished they helped the movers bring in the bed, gulf was to the side, placing the covers over to look upon.
Strightening up, he looked over to smile.
Looking up, he saw mew, come out, with a towel around his waist, to place himself to the frame, to eye.
"It is a big bed."
Gulf peered his eyes down to nod.
He then got on, to lay to his neck, to streach his arms out, and legs to smile.
"Have room to breathe, also, we might have the girls in here. When I was younger, I crawled into bed with my parents when I was scared."
Gritting his teeth, Gulfs face fell a bit, he then sat up, head turned to stroke the bed, eyeing.
Mew made a face, to then go forth, to crawl upon, to wrap his arms around gulf, comforting him.
Gulf closed his eyes to cry.
He turned to wrap his arms around mew.
"Shhhh, gulf...... I'm here..... I'm your family now and soon...... The girls.....shhhh......"
Gulf nodded on his chest.
"I love you mew, I love you so much. I can't wait until we are a full family. I'm sorry.... I've forced you a bit into it..... It's just...."
Mew rubbed his back.
"Gulf.....I know.....I know you're reasons for wanting kids......I know my love. You didn't force anything. I love you, I know I will love them. Now.....I think.... We need to do something."
Gulf took a deep breathe in, to then move back, mew placed his hand to his cheeks to wipe the tears away.
"We.... Need to..... Christen this big ol bed."
Gulf lightly chuckled.
"We have had sex, 6 times, how are you...."
Mew leaned in closer to rub his bottom lip to his.
"We..... Have been making love my gulf, and you know, when I'm with you, enough, is never truly enough, I want more. Helps I, we have a very high sex drive."
Gulf raised his eye brow.
Turning, mew laid gulf to the bed, to kiss him deeply, they went into a very passionate filled round.
Laying down to his back, gulf peered his eyes down, to stroke mews head has he was asleep to his body.
Wow......8 times...... How we can......
He lightly chuckled.
He then closed his eyes.
Is this...... Going to end well? A secretary? Can I.... Really trust mew? He did cheat on Santi with you gulf...... Well.....I was a willing participant to it......
Gulf took a deep breathe.
Tomorrow, when he goes to work, at my lunch period, I'm.... Going to..... Go see this secretary, hopefully they will.... Be ugly..... Hopefully, they won't tempt him, the way I did from Santi......
Gulf started to go to sleep with a scowl to his face, he started to worry and grow in concern.
He then tightened his grasp on mews body.
This man..... Is all mine..... I'm.... His husband...I... Wear his ring... Were about to have twin girls together.. Become a real family... He..... Wouldn't..... Cheat on me..... Would he?
Gulf then took a deep breathe unsure of that, but had hope history was not going to repeat itself, even though he felt he may deserve it after what he (thought) he did with mews past relationship.
Shuffeling a bit, he then fell into uncertain unconsciousness, to be filled with past guilt.

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