over hearing

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After that phone call, gulf did everything to stay busy and avoided his boss until there date for Saturday, the next day, gulf was to his kitchen, head hung making dinner for the girls, they should be too his home any minute.
Hearing the door bell, he placed the food to the oven to then move about the counter to then go to his door to open with widen eyes, he gulped, mew was there, staring at him.
Hinta and hota to his sides, took there hands from his to run to gulf to wrap there arms around his legs, gulf looked down with a smile.
"Welcome home my princesses, did you have a fun time with daddy mew?"
Mew took a deep breathe in to keep his eyes to gulf.
"Yes we did, but missed you." Hinta exclaimed with a smile.
"Missed you very much." Hota added.
"Okay, well, I have dinner cooking can you go place your coats to the closet and take your shoes off please?"
They both nodded to look to mew to wave.
"Bye daddy, see you this Saturday." Hinta said.
"Bye bye." Hota added.
Gulf watched them go to wrap his arms about to look to mew with no expression.
"What do you want?"
"We need to talk."
Gulf shook his head.
"Actually we don't, beauty of divorce, now please go away."
"Gulf! You and I need to talk about this."mew said through gritted teeth.
Gulf took a deep breathe to shake his head.
"No..... We.... Don't."
Gulf then stepped forward to slam the door to take deep breathes then he locked.
Hinta and hota came back to eye.
"Daddy? Why did you shut the door on..."
Gulf turned to eye the twins with a smile..
"Just a silly game, come on, we need to go and eat this dinner, doesn't take long to cook."
They both looked to the other has gulf went to them up grab there hands to lead to the kitchen.
After there dinner, the girls went to there rooms to complete there homework, gulf went to the kitchen to place his body to the kitchen counter to call his brother, he needed someone to talk to.
"Yes, how are you? How is your wife?"
"We are both doing fine, she was experiencing braxton hicks but other then that, what is on your mind?"
Gulf took a deep breathe to tell his brother everything that had occured with mew.
His brother listened, with a multitude of different emotions, from disappoinment, shock and concern.
To there room, hinta was to her stomach be side her sister eyeing her paper. Hota looked up to then cover.
"Uh huh, no cheating, you need to figure this out on your own."
She then got up to go to there chair to sit to complete her homework. Hinta sat up to sign.
"Your mean, you know that right?"
Hota stuck her tongue out.
"Fine, I'll get daddy to help me, then when your stuck, I won't help you."
Hinta then got up to leave, hota smirked to eye the back of the door.
Oh I'm sure you will.
Going out, she went down the hallway, to the door frame, she turned her head to see her daddy, what stopped her was what he said.
"Well, since everything I haven't been on a date in years, so I'm a bit nervous and scared."
Hinta raised her eye brows to then step back to ease drop.
"Gulf, do you really think you should do this? Espacially since what has been happening?"
Gulf signed.
"There were times he was there for me, when I had fights with mew, even though he knew at the time I was dating, but not married because of what we had agreed way back when, so I want to give him a chance, also with everything that has happened with mew, I believe it is time to move on."
"Yes but gulf, if your still in love with your ex, you do not need to be dating, you need to listen to mew, you have no idea what he is trying to tell you, gulf come on, this is not fair for you, not fair for your girls."
"I saw with my own eyes what he did, he cheated, there is nothing he can tell me that will help him now, we are done, I'm going on this date!"
Gulf took the phone down to slam to the other counter to place his hands to it, to take deep breathes.
Hinta's chin quivered, her eyes went down.
She thought her parents were getting along and now her one dad was going to see another, she didn't know why, but this made her feel very sad.
Turning she went back to her room, looking up, hota placed her homework to the side table to then get up to go to hinta to eye placing her hand to her shoulder.
"Hinta, what's wrong?"
Tears then went down, she let the homework fall from her hand to the floor to then wrapped her arms about to her sister to weep.
"Hinta..... What is going on?"
"Our dads..... There never going to get back together, were never going to be a real family, daddy gulf is going on a date because daddy mew cheated. I don't understand what that means hota, I don't want to be apart from you, I love you so much."
Hota comforted her sister.
"It'll be okay, we will have them, have each other, it'll be okay, don't cry, i love you too."
Hinta buried her face into hota's shoulder to keep crying.
To the kitchen, gulf grabbed the phone to then go to his bathroom to then get ready for bed, he then went to the girls door to knock.
"Are you two princesses done with....."
"Were done, were fine, trying to sleep, see you tomorrow." Hota explained, still comforting her sister.
"Okay..... Do you want me to...."
"No.... Were fine."
Gulf looked the door over to sign.
Guess there mad at me for slamming the door to mews face.
Going to his room, with his phone to his hand, he laid down to text mew, who was to his bed, sitting to the edge, eyeing his pill bottle, thinking of taking them all.
Peering his eyes to his phone, he placed the bottle to the side, to grab, he hung his head to smile.
Knew you still cared about me.
Mew took a deep breathe to then lay down to the bed with the phone to his body to close his eyes.
Gulf then turned to his side to curl up a bit to place his hand to his phone to smile to close his eyes.
The text: I'm sorry I slammed the door in your face, don't be stupid, think of your family.

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