more then a conversation

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Tapping his fingers to the table, mew looked to his drink to sign.
Peering his eyes to the side, gulf was over an hour late.
God damn it!
About to get up, mews eyes widen has gulf sat, to hold his hand up for a waitress.
Seeing him, she came about, to get his order.
"What can I get for you today?"
"May I have a mocha frappe double shot."
She nodded to look to mew.
"Is there anything else I can get for you?"
Mew shook his head with a smile.
"I'm fine thank you."
Nodding she parted to get gulf his drink. Looking to him, gulf cupped his hand to look to them, trying to not look to mew.
"What..... Is it you want to talk about mew...... We got everything out, so why am I here?"
Mew leaned back to wrap his arms about.
"First, tell me why you are late?"
Are you...... Seeing someone else?
Gulf rolled his eyes to turn his head to look out the window.
"I have both the girls mew...... Had to drop them off with my parents. You know how far they live..... Now tell me why I'm...."
They both looked to the waitress who came bouncing back to hand gulf his cup.
"Thank you very much." He smiled.
Her heart skipped a beat to then smile wide.
"No problem."
She turned to mumble under her breathe.
"He is so sweet and cute."
Mew peered his eyes to her to watch her go hearing that, he looked back to gulf with a bit of jealousy to then see he hung his head to eye the drink to then consume, he then looked to mew, who seemed angery and jealous.
"What?" He placed the drink down.
"You...... Have always been.... So good with the women gulf."
He scoffed to look back out the window.
"Maybe I should get her number when I leave then."
Mew raised an eye brow.
"Now who really is being the asshole."
Gulf rolled his eyes.
"I can date whoever I want mew....... We are divorced. Now what is it you want?"
Mew took a deep breathe in to place the jealousy and anger to the side to lean forward.
"We..... Need to discuss further that night gulf."
He signed.
"We..... Really don't...... It happened, it's in the past, can't change it, just like when you ch...."
"Gulf!" Mew muttered under his breathe quietly.
Gulf took a deep breathe to keep looking out the window, he then sipped to his straw.
"All I'm saying here mew is this....... There really isn't anything to talk about further....... It happened, can't be changed. I've...... Relucelty have been...... Remembering things and um.....I can see.... We are both at fault...... It's 90/10 here, me being the ten you the nintey."
Mew raised an eye brow.
"You've..... Been remembering? What have you...."
Gulf took the straw out his mouth to slam his cup a bit down, to furrow his eye brows.
"Don't mew....... Just fucking don't.......I want to.... Place..... This mistake behind me and try to move on......I...... Don't see you....has a..... Well you know...... Just the other things..... Now let it go....."
Mews eyes narrowed a bit to lean closer.
"What...... If I..... Don't want to let it go?"
Gulfs eyes widen to turn his head to look over mew who eyed him in a serious fashion.
Gulf eye brows then furrowed in anger to lean a bit forward.
"Well..... You should have thought of that before you stuck that small dick in your sectaries ass mew!"
Gulf then stood to slam his hands to the table keeping his eyes to mew in full anger.
Mew leaned his body to the chair to eye.
Some of the customers looked to them then away.
"I....... We..... Are done here! No more talking about this....... Yourll get the girls Jan 1st has agreed then for 2 weeks till there school starts  we will go back to the previous arrangement. Till then don't text me, don't call me, you want to fuck someone go back to them! I'm sure you're still fucking that secretary of yours! Now Leave me alone!"
Gulf then shoved himself from the table to go to the bathroom.
Mew watched him go, in surprise, shock and a bit of arousal, gulf had never been like that to him before, it was quit thrilling.
To the bathroom, gulf was over the sink splashing water to his face.
What if I don't want to let it go, fuck you mew! You bastard, what is going on in that thick head of yours. We are never ever going to do that again! Ever! We are divorced! Done! Over with!
Bending up, he kept his eyes closed to place his hands to the sinks edge to sign.
Fucking damn it! This man.....has gotten me so...... Pissed off.....
Reaching his hand to the side he grabbed a towel to dry his face to turn, back to the sink.
Why..... Is he... Doing this to me..... Does he like to..... Make me angery..... Get me....flustered?
Hearing the door open and close, gulf opened his eyes to turn his head to bundle the towel to throw to the trash to then look back with wide eyes.
"Mew?" What are you......"
With his back to the door, he pushed himself away to then step to gulf to wrap his hand around his wrist to pull him to the stall. He thrashed about, to then was placed to his stomach to the wall, head turned to the side, he breathed heavily to see mew locked it to then come back, to grab Gulfs wrists to then pin his arms to either side of his body, hanging his head he rubbed his erection on gulf butt.
Gulfs eyes widen to look back.
"Are you....... fucking insane! What are you doing! We are in a public restroom!"
Mew smirked to lightly chuckle.
"If I recall....... You and I...... Have had quite the amount of fun in public bathrooms."
Gulf started to move his body about.
"That was when.... We were together...... We are not now! Damn it..... This is rape mew,!"
Mew stopped to lift his head up to lean it to go to Gulfs ear.
"What part..... Of this is rape gulf? You are not telling me no, don't or stop, heck your not even saying knock it off. I...... Know you want it gulf..... I'm sure if I reached  around right now..... You would be so hard......."
Gulf growled a bit to furrow his brows in anger.
"That's...... Not the point! You are keeping my hands to my sides, I can't move!"
Mew started to thrust his groin up.
Gulfs body tensed.
Mew moved his head about to lay his nose to the back of his neck to keep grinding.
"Your still...... Not telling me no, don't or stop......"
Mew then took Gulfs hands to place them too the top of the stall, to then take his hands to his waist to make him move his lower a bit away from the wall, to then take hand to his erection that was evident in his pants to rub.
Gulf closed his eyes to moan.
"Ah..... Damn it! Why are you....nnn..... Doing this?"
"Well...... Have to show you..... How big this so called little cock, is. If I recall, you told me I was splitting you in two a few times."
Gulf moved his waist a bit back and forth to squirm.
"I...... That.... Was when we were...... Together...... That is not the case here....... This foolishness needs to....mmmm....."
Has gulf talked, mew took a hand back to take two fingers to his mouth to suck and Lick to lather, taking his other hand down to unbuckle his belt and un do he's pants, mew brought his waist a bit up, to then take that hand with the soaked fingers, placing his hand in his pants and boxers to go to his hole to tease getting it all moist.
Gulf then turned his head to lift up to moan.
Mew then went to his ear, to take his tongue out to lick from lobe to upper, back and forth sensually.
"Ah..... Damn it..... Mew...... You....aaaa...... Asshole...... Prick......mmm..... Bastard....."
Gulf then hung his head to place his forehead to the wall.
Mew moved away to look to the back of Gulfs head to smile. Slowly he placed in one finger then two, thrusting them in and out.
Taking his other hand to his member, he pulled it through Gulfs boxers hole to stroke.
Gulf started to unconsciously move his ass and groin back and forth, not being able to get enough.
"Do you....... Want this.... Cock gulf?"
Gulf gritted his teeth to keep up with the action at hand. Mew went back to his ear.
"Gulf....... Do you want this cock, to be deep inside your warm tight ass, to hit that special spot."
Gulf started to moan a bit louder.
"Damn..... You....."
Mew lightly chuckled, to take his fingers out, his hand off to go to Gulfs pants and boxers to pull them all the way down to his ankles to come back up, to take his throbbing member, to step forward, to run his tip to gulf outter hole, to go straight to his ear.
"Gulf......" He asked teasly.
Gulf breathed heavily.
"You truly are........ Crazy....."
Mew rolled his eyes.
"If you want this....... Take back what you said."
"Take..... Back what!?"
Mew lightly chuckled to bite Gulfs ear lobe.
Gulfs whole body bucked.
"Take back, you calling my cock small, you and I both know it's quite big."
Gulf gulped.
"If you do....... I'll...."
He rubbed his tip up and down.
Gulfs body trembled.
"Ah........ffff...... Fine...... It's..... Not small..... But that doesn't mean I'm wanting it........ This is not....oooooh....gooooood......."
Has he talked mew spat to his dick to lube it, to thrust his way in.
Gulf lifted his head back to moan has he was thrusted into and hard.
"Ah.....ah.....ah.....aaaaah......mmmm......" He whimpered.
Mew kept his head back to look to the back of Gulfs, to place a hand to his member to stroke, the other went under his shirt to go to his nipple to tease.
"Ah...... You son of a.....mmmmm......"
Gulf took his hands down from the top, to place them palm face down to the wall, to push himself a bit back, head turned to the wall, to go up and down with the thrusts.
"Mmmmm....... You like my big cock fucking this unbelievable tight little ass dont you gulf......"
"Mmm.... Shut.....sssshhh..... shut up! Aaaaah."
Mew lightly chuckled to look down to watch.
Stopping for a moment, there heads turned to the side to listen has  two customers came in to go to the other stalls.
Gulfs eyes widen.
Before he could finish that word, mew placed his hand to Gulfs mouth to cover, to step away, to place his back to the other wall, to thrust slowly into Gulfs cavity to then quicken the pace a bit.
Gulf placed his hands to his arm, to peer his eyes up to look to him in a bit of anger.
Mew shook his head.
"Ddd..... Dont look at me like that....... You know you want my cum." He whispered.
Gulf shook his head to then moan heavily into mews hand, mew then placed his other to his member to stroke.
He then went to his ear to lick and nip.
The others, went out, to then go to the sink to talk.
Gulf kept his eyes to Mews, to thrash a bit about trying to get out of this to no avail.
Mew started to grow closer.
"Ah gulf......mmm..... I'm..... Gonna......I..... Know you are about Give me...... Give daddy..... His cum gulf.......I want it....."
Gulfs eyes widen.
This was his favorite game, it was one he invented way back when.
All his strength seemed to evaporate, he then moved his body with mews.
"Mmmm..... Thats a very good boy..... Give your daddy his white milky dessert......"
Gulf furrowed his brows to take his hands to go under his shirt to go to his nipples to play with them, he was getting into this game has he used to.
Mews cock grew harder in Gulfs cavity watching how slutty his ex was becoming, it reminded him of the old times.
Lifting his head back, mew couldn't control himself anymore.
At the same time the two gentlemen left.
He moaned and loud to cum filling Gulfs body.
Gulf then twitched his seed to mews hand that went to his fingers.
Mew let the hand he was covering Gulfs mouth with to drop, he took. The other one up to eye the mess to chuckle a bit.
"That..... Is quite a load...."
Taking his fingers to his mouth, he licked all the cum off.
Gulf gulped, to lower his hands to control his breathing.
Opening his eyes and slowly, he gritted his teeth, to then move, to bend over to place his boxers and pants up, to hang his head to eye.
Mew placed himself away, to keep his back to the wall to eye Gulfs.
"You..... Are still..... So delicious gulf...."
Mew brought his other hand up to try and turn gulfs head to place his lips to him. However, gulf was fuming mad about this situation.
Turning, he slapped mew, causing his body to turn to the side, to bring a hand to his face to caress to look down to the floor.
"You.......fucking asshole! Now that was rape! You piece of...."
Mews eyes darted.
"No..... It wasn't.... You.... Never said no, you know has well has I..... If you did.....I would have stopped.......I know you wanted it gulf...... You know how I know...."
Mew turned his head back to eye, a hand still to his cheek.
"When you got up, threw your little tantrum, I saw you were hard!"
Gulf froze to gulp.
"You...... Are being ridiculous! I was not!"
Mew lightly chuckled to shake his head.
"Yes you were....... How long had you've been gulf? What triggered it? Hmmm...... In that conversation, so many things could have. So what was it?"
Gulf leaned back to shake his head.
"Fuck off mew!"
Unlocking the stall door, gulf went to the sink pissed to wash his hands.
"Stay the hell away from me mew!"
Shaking them dry, gulf went to the door to stop, hand to the nob.
"Gulf..... This Sunday.....our hotel...... You know what room number.....6 o clock."
Gulf squeezed the nob.
"You...... Are such a prick to even.......I won't be there! You are never ever going to touch me again!"
Gulf opened the door to leave slamming it.
Mew took a deep breathe to place his back. To. The stall wall to shake his head, to look forward. He then brought a hand up to place his hand to his forehead.
Maybe.....I have gone crazy..... Why did.....I do that? All I could think of....... Was him getting that girls number....... It drove me to do this..... Damn it.....
Turning his head he eyed the door.
I'm..... So sorry gulf..... But...... I'm hooked once again to you...... Wait.... No..... That's not accurate...... I've always been hooked..... I'm...... So sorry....I...... Just can't control myself when I'm around you...... Couldn't back then..... Can't now...... Please..... Show up to our hotel....... We...... Need to really talk......
Mew signed sullenly to then leave, washing his hands first to go to the table to eye Gulfs drink, picking it up, he took a deep breathe to consume.
An..... In direct kiss...... I'll.... Take it......

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