I'm not...... going..... to...... damnit!

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The week was terrible for gulf. He did everything and anything to keep busy. First he didn't want to think about what had occurred between mew and him, twice, also he was becoming plagued with the notion of maybe really going to there once hotel room, knowing it was wrong.
By Friday, he peered his eyes to his desk, to chew at his cheek, seeing it was 5am.
The entirety of the last few days, gulf couldn't sleep much, he kept having that one dream a bit over and over, not wanting to go on medication again, he only slept for a few hours, then would get up, to go to his desk in his small office to get a bit of work done.
Leaning back, gulf streached his arms up to yawn.
Moving his arms down, he reached one across to turn off the light.
Getting up, he went to the girls door to check on them.
Peeking in, he smiled at them sleeping.
So adorable.
Moving back, he closed the door to go to the kitchen to make himself some tea, looking down, he took a deep breathe in.
I'm...... Not going to go....... Hell no I'm not going to go to that hotel this Sunday..... No.....
Flexing his fingers to the counter, to the sides of the stove, he turned his head to sign.
Damn you mew! This whole week I've been flustered, my work performance has fallen off, I'm not sleeping well, the only thing that is still good is me being a great father to those girls.
Gulf stepped back to place his hands to his eyes to rub.
Were not even together and you still make me feel this way you asshole!
Taking his hands away, he looked to the side to see hota.
"Daddy......I had a bad dream....."
She sniffled while rubbing her eye.
Gulf made a compassionate face, to then take the finished water off the stove to go to hota to hold.
Bringing a hand to her head, he stroked.
"Oh hota, what did you dream about?"
She wrapped her arms around his neck to squeeze a bit.
"That my sister...... Wasent with me..... Daddy..... Can hinta be with me always..... We don't need to....."
Gulf took a deep breathe to take her back to bed. Laying here down, he helped her under the covers, to place his hand to hers has it laid to her stomach.
"Hota, I know this..... Arrangement..... Is not..... But that is what....."
Hota's face fell to then turn her back to gulf.
Gulf looked her over with a sullen expression.
"Why did you and daddy have to get a divorce!"
She moved her head up and down to close her eyes.
Gulf turned his head to look out the open door.
"We...... Just weren't working hota..... But that doesn't mean we don't love the two of you....... I'm sorry....."
Hota signed.
"So...... We get punished..... That's not fair.....I miss my sister daddy......"
A lone tear went down Gulfs eye.
"You..... Have her now..... Please go to sleep...... When you wake you can call daddy mew......I love you hota....."
Gulf turned to place his lips to her forehead. Leaning away, she covered her face in her pillow.
Gulf looked her over then hinta, to get up, he froze in the doorway.
"Still..... Not fair...... We didn't do anything wrong..... Feels that way daddy....."
Gulf hung his head.
"Your right hota..... You two haven't done anything wrong......I love you."
Hota signed to go back to sleep.
Gulf closed there door silently, to then go back to the kitchen to get his tea, to then go to the couch, placing the cup to the table, to then place his hands under his chin to look forward.
With what hota, just said, it was breaking his heart.
This..... Is all your fault mew! Just had to.....
Gulf closed his eyes to take a deep breathe.
Turning, he ended up laying down and accidently falling asleep.
Waking a bit to his back, hota and hinta were to his side, hinta had the phone.
"Daddy gulf is sleeping."
"Can you hand him the phone? He needs to wake and fed the two of you."
Hinta nodded to place the phone to Gulfs ear. He furrowed his brows with the cold touch.
"Gulf? Are you really sleeping? You need to wake up."
Gulf opened his eyes, hearing mew, he looked about to then look to the girls with widened eyes. Getting up, he grabbed the phone to eye them both.
"I'm..... So sorry....I fell asleep...."
Looking to the mantle, he eyed the clock, his eyes widened it was 830."
"Um girls..... Can you go get dressed, I'll fix you a great breakfast, I need too take you to....."
Mew then interrupted.
"Take them to my parents, my mother misses the girls."
Gulf rolled his eyes.
"Mew....... My mother usually...."
The girls jumped a bit up and down.
"Please daddy gulf!!! Please, we want to see granny and granddad......"
Gulf took a deep breathe in.
"Only if two little girls go get dressed."
They looked to the other to squeal then ran to there bedrooms.
Gulf got up, phone to his ear, to go to the kitchen to start on breakfest.
"Thought we agreed, I don't take the girls to your parents when I have them."
Mew lightly chuckled.
"Well, none of this is too what we agreed."
Gulf stopped to grit his teeth.
"And who's fault is that!"
"Gulf...... Stop."
"I don't have time for this, I slept in accidently, have to take care of the girls and now have to take them to your parents. Thank you, asshole."
"Why, did you sleep in? That's not like you."
Gulf took a deep breathe in to go back to the breakfest.
"None of your concern, now I need to go and...."
"Gulf..... Remember.....6 at our hotel room this Sunday."
Gulf stopped once more to gulp.
"I'm...... Not going......"
Mew lightly chuckled.
"I know you will...... We need to still talk gulf stop being....."
"We have nothing left to discuss. Piss off!"
Gulf then hung up the phone. To lift his head back to stare at the ceiling.
I'm...... Not going to.......
Shaking his head, gulf had a lot to do.
Getting there breakfest made, them dressed,  gulf took them to mews parents to rush to his job, calling his mother telling her the girls would be with mews parents.
Unfortunately for gulf, Friday went quick so did Saturday, now he was too his car, outside the hotel, looking to the clock, shaking his head.
It was almost 6.
Why.... Am I here? Why did I agree for his parents to keep the girls until Monday......
Damn it..... This is not a good idea.....I shouldn't be here......
Taking a deep breathe, gulf got out, to go to there room.
Standing before the door, he looked it over to grit his teeth. Turning his head, he shook it. This was bringing up so many memories.
Gulf closed his eyes.
Fuck! What is wrong with me!? Why am I here? Why is he doing this?
Gulf took a deep breathe, to turn his head forward to raise his hand to almost knock, he gulped.
Memories started to flash through his mind.

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