maybe it's really time to move on

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Waking the next morning to the floor, gulf had a hungover from hell, also his body was feeling very sore after the activity him and mew did a few hours prior, getting dressed in a rush, gulf didn't want to be late for work, he then went to work with a pounding headache, and a very sore stomach, it hurt so much he just couldn't fathom to eat anything right then.
Sitting to the car, nothing had gotten better, he had stopped to the store prior for medicine, he retrieved one for his head the other for his stomach. Reaching, to his back pocket he took his phone out to eye, he chewed at his cheek, he wanted to call the girls, he usually tried to call them every day, when mew had them but since the morning he didn't even look to the phone, he didn't want to talk to mew, not after there argument. Gulf also didn't know if mew had tried to call or text him.
Signing, he placed it back to his pocket too then get out taking deep breathes, going straight to his office, he sat down to drink from his water bottle.
A few hours passed by, once lunch came about, gulf stood to think about going to somewhere near to eat, opening the door his boss was there with a huge smile.
Gulf took a deep breathe in, to eye, stepping further out.
"Um.... Hi, I'm going to go somewhere for lunch, would you like me to pick you up something? Or would you like to talk to me about something? Is there a client I need to talk to?"
His boss shook his head..
"No, and thank you, just you didn't text me back last night."
Gulf looked to him confused.
"I..... Texted you?"
"Yes, you wanted to get that coffee, was wondering if you wanted to do that for lunch, if it can be something more let's turn it into a date, we can Meet up. This Saturday."
Gulf gulped.
He then peered his eyes down, gulf didn't remember he had texted his boss last night.
His boss looked him over.
"You..... Aren't dating anyone right?"
Gulf looked to him to shake his head.
"Then..... Could we.... Go on a date? You know for these last couple of years, basically since you started to work here, you know I have feelings for you."
Gulf hung his head to nod.
"Yes.....I know.... Um....."
His boss stepped forward to place his hand to his upper shoulder. Gulf turned his head to eye.
Your..... No longer mews..... He is no longer yours, it's time to move on, you need to give him a fighting chance, he has been there for you, even though he didn't know you were married and got a divorce, gulf..... It's time.
Gulf gulped to look to his boss.
"Well.....I guess that should be fine, meet at 630?"
His boss gave a wide smile.
"That will be perfect, should I pick you up?"
"No, that's fine, thank you, well, I need to go and eat something, you should too."
He nodded to then take his arm back to turn to leave.
Well, I hope to be eating you soon gulf, I am so elated your finally giving me a chance.
Gulf watched his boss go to turn to then grab his phone out to open to see his text message to his boss, gulf furrowed his eye brows to sign.
Outside, near an upcoming restaurant, gulf sat, to a table to consume his food slowly eyeing his phone.
I can't believe in my drunk stage, I texted my boss, that has never happened, I've been through worse and never did that before.
Signing, gulf saw his phone go off. Placing the fork down he retrieved it, to sign.
It was a text from mew, asking him to call.
Placing the phone to his ear, he placed his hand to his forehead to rub.
"What do you want mew?"
"You.... Didn't call to ask to talk to the girls, that's not like you....I.... Also was wondering how you were feeling, after everything that happened last night..... Um.....I know you're lunch break is almost over but.....I was hoping maybe we could meet at our hotel, I'm there now."
Gulf signed heavily into the phone.
"Mew...... What I said last night, I meant it, were really over, I'm not doing this anymore, it's not fair to me, not fair to you, we can no longer use the other like this. One day I am going to listen to what you have been trying to tell me about that one day but it is not going to be now, tomorrow I'll be sending my mother over to gather the girls, I want both of them until Saturday, you can have them to the weekend, then Monday we go back to what is in our parenting plan."
Gulfs chin started to quiver, tears welled in his eyes.
"Gulf..... Please don't do this... Please come and meet me to our hotel.. Let me tell you everything now......I still love....."
"Mew! Don't! Just fucking don't! Were divorced! Not a couple! Were over!" He said through gritted teeth.
Gulf chin quivered more, tears then fell.
"Gulf...... Please don't do this.....I still...." Mew wept through the phone.
Gulfs whole body trembled.
"I'm sorry mew..... Were done, don't call me, don't text me, move on."
Gulf then turned the phone off, to then slam it to the table to place his hands to his eyes, he couldn't stop crying.
It...... Is truly better this way..... This shouldn't ever have happened, we both need to move on, find love again.
Gulf took deep breathes, his heart started to shatter in a way he never felt before.
To the hotel, the phone shook in mews hand, bringing it to his face that was wet with his tears, he stood to keep looking to it, to then throw it to the wall to scream, his legs then buckled and he fell to the ground to wept and shake uncontrollably, with his arms wrapped around himself.

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