in shock

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From Wednesday to Friday, gulf was busy with work and the girls, he didn't know why, but they were giving him the cold shoulder and barely talked to him.
By Friday night, gulf agreed to mew he would be the one to drop off the girls semi early Saturday morning but was not planning to talk or to stay.
Mew just wanted to see him so he agreed.
By dinner, gulf sat to the table to eye hinta and hota, hinta had her head to get hand to poke her food, hota ate but slowly, to eye her sister every now and then.
"Hinta? Are you feeling okay? Your barely eating your dinner, it's your favorite."
She shrugged.
"May I be excused?"
Gulf signed to nod. Hinta got up to then take the plate to the kitchen counter to then leave sullenly.
Gulf then eyed hota.
"Okay, hota, what is going on?"
Hota looked to gulf to sign.
"Were just...... Sad daddy...."
Gulf made a face.
"Missing daddy mew?"
Hota looked down to nod.
"Mm, I don't think that is it, least not all, you know daddy can't read your minds, you have to talk to me, I'll help if I can."
Hota signed.
"I..... Don't think you can, not this time daddy."
"Why do you say that?"
"Just..... Because, can I be excused?"
Gulf signed to look down to his plate to nod sullenly.
Hota got up to then do the same her sister did, going to there room, hinta, was to her bed, already in her pajamas to her side crying.
Hota looked out to then close the door, to lock to go to her sister, who got up to wrap her arms about to cry on her shoulder.
"Why can't we be a happy family hota? Why can't our daddies just get along?"
Hota wrapped her arms around to comfort her sister.
To the kitchen table, gulf hung his head to place his hands to his neck to rub feeling horrible, he didn't know what was wrong with his girls and he didn't know what to do to make it better.
He took deep breathes to then retrieve his phone to walk outside his apartment, to hang his head with his phone to his ear.
"Gulf? Why are you calling me? Do you want to talk or...."
"Mew..... It's about the girls."
"What about them? Are they okay?"
Gulf took a deep breathe.
"When they were with you, were they acting.....I don't know.... Unusual?"
"Well, what do you mean by that?"
"Hinta and hota, are not really talking to me or eating, they seem, sad."
"They didn't act that way with me, but.... Do you want me to come over to talk to them?"
"No, there's not really a point, yourll see them tomorrow. Talk to them then."
"Gulf, can we..... Maybe talk about us for a...."
Gulf closed his eyes to take in a very long breathe.
"No...... But another time okay....I mean that, but I need to go to bed to wake up early."
"I..... Miss"
"Bye mew, do not hurt yourself."
Gulf turned the phone off, to sign.
He shook his head, his heart was feeling the hurt, especially since tomorrow he was going to have a date with his boss.
Turning he went back inside to then put his half eaten plate to the kitchen sink with the girls to then go to his bathroom to sign heavily, he took 2 anxiety meds.
After, he went to bed, feeling a few different emotions and not knowing what to do.
Waking the next morning, the girls didn't really talk, they got dressed on there own to go to the kitchen to wait for the food gulf was preparing.
Once they all ate, gulf got them dressed to then part for mews.
In front of his door, they knocked for him to open to eye them with smiles, they went about him to go to there room, mew kept his hand to the door to turn to watch them go.
"Okay..... That is odd."
"Mmm, told you, well, until we figure this out, Monday through Friday, can I keep both of them?"
Mew turned his head to eye.
"How about, Monday till Wednesday, then I get them Wednesday night till Friday then we can see about the weekend since we are no longer...."
Gulf took a deep breathe.
"I don't want to talk about it mew, not right now, let us deal with our girls first before us okay?"
Mew signed to nod.
He looked to gulf hopeful.
Gulf hung his head, he just couldn't tell mew he was going to go on a date.
"Nothing, will talk Monday."
Gulf turned to then leave.
Mew took a deep breathe to close the door to place his hand palm down to it to eye.
I love you Gulf, I hope to talk to you about everything and soon.
Turning mew needed to figure out what was going on with his girls.
To there room, he placed his body to the door frame to eye hinta laying down, hota to the side rubbing her back.
"Mm,hota? Can you go watch a movie in the living room? I need to talk to your sister."
Hota looked to hinta who nodded.
Hota got up to eye her dad.
"I hope she tells you why she's so sad."
Hota then left, mew watched her go to then go to her place to bring his hand to her side.
"Hinta, why are you sad?"
Hinta to a deep breathe to look to her dad.
"Daddy, why did you cheat on daddy gulf? What does that mean?"
Mews eyes widen, In shock and surprise.
"Where.... Did you hear that?"
Hinta got up, to look to her fingers to play with them.
"Daddy gulf was on the phone with uncle, he said that, then said he was going to go on a date, I thought you two were making up, I don't want to be away from my sister." Hinta started to weep.
Mew started to breathe heavily, he turned his head to eye the wall.
"I just want a happy family daddy..... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ease drop on daddy gulf but...."
"Your daddy said, he is going on a date? Did he say with who? When?"
Hinta shrugged.
"I don't know, I don't know..... Daddy.... Why can't we ask be a happy family..... Why did you cheat on daddy gulf?"
Mew turned his head to then pull hinta to his chest.
"Oh hinta, you need to not worry about this, we have everything handled, you are not going to lose your sister or your daddies, please my precious jewel, don't cry, don't be sad."
Hinta wept on her father, while mew was starting to become mad.
Comforting her, she went out to go to her sister feeling better, mew stood to call gulf.
He was too his couch, laying down, rubbing his forehead, re thinking this date, feeling his phone go off to his pants he retrieved it to answer.
"You are such a bastard gulf!?"
Gulf sat up to eye the floor confused by mews tone.
"Excuse me?"
"I know now why our daughter is acting this way, she over heard you on the phone, you talked to your brother about me cheating and apparently your going on a date! What the hell is wrong with you!"
Gulf then started to fume.
"It is not any of your business! We are over I can date whenever and with whoever, do not shout at me. I am sorry our daughter over heard that, but it is also true! You are a cheating, lying...."
Hearing gulf, something snapped in mew.
"God damnit gulf! That fucking seceratary and I, never fucking had sex! Not ever! That is what you are not willing to hear!"
Gulfs eyes widen, the phone shook in his hand.

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