feeling like an asshole, but couldn't deny myself, him

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Taking a shot, mew placed the glass down roughly to look to the papers that were before him. His secretary, kyro tulipo, to his side, looked him over, playing different fantasy's in his head, while trying to remain professional.
"Looking..... Everything over, I'm sure this could have waited Monday."
Kyro gulped to shrug.
"I am sorry, mr. Tyuro, I know it could have, but, I was hoping if we filed it early that would give us an advantage. I am truly sorry, since seeing this is your day off and you were with your parents."
Mew took a deep breathe, to raise his hand for anyone shot, it was his 5th in total, the bartender nodded to pour him another.
Kyro looked him up and down has he consumed.
"Guess...... Meeting with your parents, was not a good thing?"
Mews eyes widen, to then place the glass, gently down to eye, he signed.
"Mm, sorry.... Don't mean to pry, it's just..... Over these last few months I feel..... We have gotten a bit close..... I'm truly...."
Mew gritted his teeth.
"No..... Its not a good thing. We..... Are just having a bit..... Of problems..... Not all there fault......." Mew signed eyeing the glass.
Kryo made a face to then raise his hand for another drink for mew.
Mew took a deep breathe to bring the filled glass to him.
"Thank you."
Kryo smiled.
"Any time. I hope things become better with you all, family tension, is not a good thing, it affects all part of living."
Mew nodded to drink the shot slowly.
He then placed it down to sign, eyes to it.
"That it does, I just..... Have to hope...... Things will get better. I just love....."
Mew signed, he remembered he couldn't say a thing about his family, or the fact he was gay.
Kryo leaned forward to place his hand over mews, he eyed the action.
"Mr. Tyuro, it's going to be okay, yourll see, you are too good a person to get anything less then you deserve. Yourll see, it'll all work out. They know you love them, just have to be patient and work through it."
Mew took a deep breathe, to turn his head to eye kryo, he smiled and wide.
He gulped.
This is.... Wrong mew......
Mew then took his hand back, kryo leaned away, he looked forward.
"Um......yeah..... You may be right with that.... Um.....I have read through all of this and um...... Signed, here."
Mew then gave kryo the paperwork.
"I need to..... Go home."
Kryo eyed him has he paid and placed his jacket on.
"Sir? How are you going to go home? You've been drinking?"
Also the way you are being all nervous after I held your hand is so cute.
Mew took a deep breathe to eye his keys.
"I..... Can manage, don't live that far."
Kryo shook his head to get up, to then wrap his hand around his wrist to pull, after he grabbed those keys.
"I am not going to hear of that. You direct, I drive, then I'll call a car to take me home."
Mew eyed the action a bit tipsy to sign.
Shit! This is not good, this is wrong but, he is right, I shouldn't be drinking while driving.
In the car, mew directed him where to go, parked and out, they both stood before the head of his car, waiting for his ride. They both looked down, arms wrapped about there bodies.
Kryo then looked to his phone.
"Says should be here soon. It's a bit cold, mr. Tyuro, you should go inside."
Mew looked to kryo.
"You drove me home, least I can do is wait with you."
Kryo parted his lips to smile and wide.
This man is so...... Sweet......
Both looking up, the town car, then came about, mew went first to open the door to look with drunken eyes to him. Kryo shirked to then go forth.
"Maybe..... If this happens again.....I could..... Go inside your home."
Mew leaned his head back, to widen his eyes a bit.
"Um....... That...."
Then he gulped. Kryo brought his hand up to place it to mews cheek, his thumb went to and down.
"Do not worry mr. Tyuro. Also, you look so tired, you should go to sleep when you go in. Remember......I am always here to serve..... In any way...."
Kryo took his hand off, to wink then he went inside to close the door.
Mew stood there has the car drove off, to then place a hand to his cheek, feeling the warmth, he took a deep breathe in.
Shit! This is.... Bad but.....
Mew turned to take his hand down.
I'm..... Not doing anything wrong..... I'm Not leading them on..... In any way.....
Mew gritted his teeth, he brought his hand up once more to caress his own cheek. He missed someone wanting him, really desiring him, someone who didn't fight with him constantly, someone who wanted to please him in any way, with all the problems he was having with gulf, this felt nice.
Mew balled his hand into a fist against his cheek, to furrow his brows in anger.
You..... Are a piece of shit mew......
Signing, he turned to go home.
Inside, he placed his jacket off, then his shoes, to look Angerly to the floor.
Then he looked up, to see gulf come up, with slowly drifted eyes, he furrowed them, to then look to the clock.
"Coming home...... Kind of.... Late..... It's 1 in the morning."
Mew gulped to go to gulf, to stand behind the couch, to place his hands to the edge, to look forward.
Gulfs eyes widen has he smelled the alcohol.
Turning his head, he looked over mew.
"Have you've.... Been drinking? Really? The girls are here mew....."
Mew took a deep breathe in.
"After......I went to the office.... Signed the.... Papers, I went to the bar near here, had a couple of drinks..... Needed to..... Cool off after what happened tonight....."
Mew gritted his teeth at the lie.
Gulf signed, to then look to the floor feeling bad.
"Oh mew..... I'm.... Sorry...... You have so much on your mind... You had to give up so much for us..... Then your suppose to be coming home to peace and...... I'm sorry..... I'm Being a bad husband......"
Mew gripped the couch feeling despicable.
Your not being a bad husband gulf......I am...... I'm so sorry.....
Gulf took a deep breathe to kneel, he then wrapped his arms around mews neck to tighten his grip.
"Forgive me?"
Mew took a deep breathe, feeling like an utter piece of shit.
"There is..... Nothing to forgive......"
Mew signed to bring his hands back to take Gulfs, they both looked down has he rubbed them with his thumbs.
"Will you..... Come and sleep in our bed gulf?"
Gulf smiled.
"Mm, lead the way."
Mew smiled half heartily, to pull gulf.
In the bedroom, they stripped down to there boxers to then get into bed, laying to the sides, to hold hands.
Mew then signed and heavily.
The girls started to cry.
Gulf took a deep breathe, to then get up, to the edge, he looked to mew, who had gone to his back, to place a hand to his forehead.
"I'll be back. I love you mew, I...... Don't deserve you..... You are too....." He lightly chuckled to then go to the girls.
Mew took a deep breathe in, tears then streamed down.
No gulf......I do not deserve you......fuck! I am a horrible piece of shit!
He turned to grit his teeth.
Coming back, gulf got into bed to sit to eye mew, he had his back to him. Gulf looked him over sullenly, turning to his side, back to him, he wrapped his arms about to close his eyes feeling very lonely. He was unaware mew was still awake, but for how that night went, he couldn't fathom to touch his sweet, adoring, perfect, loving husband, since that secretary of his, touched what was Gulfs. Mew took a deep breathe to then go to sleep feeling very ashamed.

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