do not label this

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The next morning early, about 5am, gulf opened his eyes a bit to look up to see mews sleeping face, looking about he saw he was on mews chest, leaning his head up a bit he saw they were in there once room, Gulfs face dropped a bit to then shuffle about.
Mew then tightened his arms that were wrapped about, to open his eyes to look down at gulf.
"Where do you think your going?"
Gulf looked to him to take a deep breathe.
"Need to use the bathroom."
Mew looked him up and down.
"Do..... You remember what you dreamt about last night?"
Gulf darted his eyes to look to the wall.
"Mm, not really.... Why?"
Mew placed his hand to his chin to rub his thumb about.
Gulf cooed a bit.
"Think you were having a nightmare, you.... Were crying."
Gulf shrugged.
"Don't remember, but I need to pee."
Mew nodded to then let him go to them grab his hand has he got off, gulf turned to see mew had went to his side, head in his hand.
"Your.... Going to come back.... Right?"
Gulf eyed him up and down to nod.
"When I'm in there..... Do you need any asprins? I saw how much you drank last night."
Mew shook his head.
"I feel auphoric actually."
Gulfs lips parted to turn his head. He felt the same but he didn't know if it was okay to feel that or not, sleeping with mew like this, he didn't know what to think of it.
"Mmm, then.... Let go, I really need to go to the bathroom."
Gulf went letting mews hand slip from his, he then went to there shared cloest, to look down to see tapes fall, he turned his head to look to mew questionably.
He shrugged.
"I..... Was watching tapes I recorded when we were..."
Gulfs eyes darted to then turn his head to gather a white shirt to down, he then turned to go to the dresser.
"Gulf...... No boxers."
Gulf stopped a a bit away to then take his hand back to then turn to then go to the bathroom to close the door.
Mew then sat up to place his arms wrapping them around his slightly bent legs to keep his eyes to the back of the door.
You..... Better come back gulf.
After gulf went to the restroom, he was too the sink, washing his hands, to then dry to place his hands to either counter to hang his head to think about the past events.
What..... Am I wanting here? I told him the truth, I also need to tell him who I actually talked to and what they told me.
But...... Do I want to try and get back mew? What am I wanting?
Gulf signed, he really didn't know, he just knew whatever he dreamt about, what he couldn't remember, he slightly woke and when he did he was so happy he was in mews arms.
Turning his head he strightened up to see there wet clothes to the side of the tub, moving away from the sink he then went to make the water go down the drain, he sat to the side to Cock his head looking at himself to the water reflection.
What..... Am I wanting?
He then took a deep breathe has he saw mew behind him, gulf turned to look over mew, he stood before gulf to then step closer to grab his hand to place it palm down to his heart, there eyes darted.
Gulf then looked to the action.
"Come back to me gulf."
Gulfs lips parted, has mew brought his other hand up to place to the back of his head to pull his mouth to his.
They stopped a mere centimeter to look to there lips to then look the other directly in the eyes.
Mew then went the extra step, to then rub his bottom lip to his.
Gulf closed his eyes feeling that forgotten tenderness and warmth. Tears started to fall down.
Mew closed his eyes because he did not like to see gulf cry, he then pressed his lips to Gulfs to then take his hands to the shirt to unbutton.
Gulf let there white shirt fall about, to then wrap his arms about, he didn't really know what he wanted but at this moment in time, all he seemed to want was mew.
Mew then picked him up, to then take gulf back to the bed, flopping to his back, mew hovered to go to his neck to place sweet kisses to take Gulfs hands to move them to either side to place his hands into his for them to hold and tight, mew then manuvered himself, to place his erection inside to thrust gentle and slow.
Head turned to the side, gulf kept his eyes closed to bite into his bottom lip.
"Mmm mew..... So..... Good....aaah..... Just like that....."
Mew then went to his ear to nibble.
"So..... When should we move your things back in? When should we tell the girls there daddies are back together?"
Gulfs eyes opened to then turn his head to peer his eyes to the side, mew went back to his neck to plant sweet tender kisses.
He signed.
"Mew..... We are not back together.... I'm..... Not going to move in with you...... Why are you trying to label this?"
Mew stopped, to then move his head up to look down to gulf a bit confused.
"But..... Last night....I thought?"
Gulf then pushed mew off and dis connected them, to grab a pillow to place over his erection, to place his hands to it to play with his fingers to look to them.
Mew sat to his side eyeing gulf.
"Last night.....I didn't say we were going to get back together...... We just..... Had fantastic sex, that's not fixing anything mew."
Mews eyes narrowed.
"Did you sleep with your....."
Gulf shook his head, mew then got up to go to his dresser to place on boxers and sweat pants to then stand before the bed to look a bit Angerly at gulf.
"Then what! What is it gulf? You said you loved me, was that a lie?"
Gulf turned his head to look to the head board.
"No..... Was not a lie but...."
"But what! I want to be with you! I want my family back so what the hell is it!"
Gulf turned his head to furrow his eye brows to look to mew.
"Are you seriously getting angry with me right now!"
Mew took a deep breathe to turn his head, trying to calm himself.
Gulf took a few breathes to look down to his fingers.
"Sorry..... But gulf....I thought....."
Gulf shook his head.
"Mew..... Us having sex is not going to solve all our problems, we also need to talk, I didn't meet with my boss yesterday, I cancelled that, told him we need to keep our relationship professional, but I did have dinner with..... Someone else."
Mews eyes widen to look to gulf.
"So you...... Had sex with....."
Gulf rolled his eyes to look in anger to mew.
"I haven't had sex with anyone but you! I'm trying to tell you I went and met up with.....kryo, your ex seceratary!"
Mews eyes widen.
Gulf took a deep breathe to then pat the bed.
"Mew.... It's time to talk, now sit!"
Mew sat to the edge to look to gulf.
"Your right, it's time, so tell me, what did you two talk about?"
Gulf took a deep breathe in.

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