27 : unknown number.

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"fuck, i like him. i like kim jimin." taehyung said, his cheeks turning red.

yoongi smiles widely and patted his back. "i'm so proud of you."

"but you said you love him." taehyung clasps his cold hands together.

"yes, but i'm trying my best to move on. i just want you two to be happy."

taehyung smiles softly and can't help but to pull his bestfriend into a tight and warm embrace. he's so lucky to have a bestfriend like yoongi.

"thank you so much. you don't know how happy i am."

"glad you are. but i need you to do something." yoongi pulls away from the hug.

taehyung raised a brow. "what is it?"

"you have to tell jimin about your feelings."

the younger froze and he immediately shook his head, heat filling up his body.

"no fucking way."

"taehyung, you need to tell him."

"i can't! damn, it's so hard."

yoongi sighs and pinched the bridge of his nose. "what if someone confessed their feelings for jimin first? you won't know, someone might be liking him secretly. you know how much pretty jimin is that's why many girls are jealous of him."

taehyung nodded and looks up at the sky. "you're right. i should be the first one and ask him right away to go out on a date."

yoongi smiles and patted his back. "that's my bestfriend. go get your man."

"but hyung, what if he doesn't like me back?"

the older chuckles softly, he knows the answer already. "that's for you to find out."

"everyone! we have a transfer student." the professor announced.

jimin looks up to see a man around his height enters the classroom. everyone looks at the man and starts gossiping.

he have a black long hair and is really handsome.

"introduce yourself." the prof said to him.

the man cleared his throat before speaking. "my name is jung wooyoung, twenty." wooyoung says and bows.

"alright, wooyoung. you can take a seat at the vacant chairs."

wooyoung nodded and made his way to the empty chair at the back near jimin's table.

jimin just shrugged and continues reviewing the lessons. nothing can be more handsome than his taehyung.

on the other side, wooyoung noticed the pink haired boy. he's a bisexual so he can't help but stare at him.

this is the first time he saw such a beautiful man.

he will do everything just to have him.

with a smirk, wooyoung turned his attention to the professor whose discussing at the front and listens to her.

it was now night time.

jimin and taehyung took off their shoes as they arrived home. it was a long tiring day at school.

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