part 42

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when i arrived at school i got scared by the one and only

"tommy! don't do that again!" i slapped his arm while kylie laughed.

"why weren't you at school yesterday" kylie asked.

"dad let me be absent, i got sick"

"ohhhhh" they said as i nodded my head.

"my mom kept yelling all day throwing my clothes in the washer since they were dirty from the mud and rain" tommy said.

"mud?" kylie asked confused since we only played in the rain.

"well when you guys left and we were going to the car i slipped and fell on... mud"

kylie replied with a disgusted look on her face and i replied with "i wish i was there to make fun of you" as tommy slapped my arm.

"you aren't supposed to hit girls remember" i said raising my eye brows and he rolls his eyes and replied with "whatever".

we went to the classroom and she was sitting on her chair which was a bit off cause she was always standing.

"hello class can we all have a seat i want to tell you something" mrs. white said in her calming voice.

she slowly stood up infront of the class and said "i need you guys to be calm today no running around and no more yelling names in the middle of class" she said.

"miss are you okay?" the teachers pet said, her name is Savannah always had amazing grades and all the teachers and students loved her, well except for emma ofc but other than that she was the nicest person in our class.

"yes Savannah i- boys!" she said as i looked back to boys playing rock paper scissors.

"i need you guys to be patient and calm with me i'm pregnant" she said as the class was filled with claps and "oh my god!".

after the news the whole class was helping the teacher, to be honest i never saw our class this nice to everyone, we usually get complains from every teacher but today everyone was calm and more quiet.

when it was lunch time me kylie and tommy were about to go to eat when kylie stopped us.

"what?" tommy asked annoyed.

"i just want to ask mrs white something in math i don't understand"

"i'm leaving i'll be waiting for you guys"  tommy left.

kylie was always scared when she didn't understand something and when she has a bad grade, she always cared about everything in school and when she doesn't understand something she has to ask questions, unlike me i will stay quiet and let kylie help me or anyone.

when mrs white was explaining to kylie, some teachers were circled around her. i overheard one of the teachers say to mr. white, her husband who also works in our school and he teaches 8th grade i think.

one of the teachers says "congratulations to you and your wife for the baby i just heard the news"

"yeah me too congrats to you and anne" said another teacher
(i just gave the teacher a random name)

"thank you guys" mr white said.

i was confused.

why did they congratulate mr. white if only mrs. white was pregnant.

(guys she doesn't know the making babies thing so shut up.  lmao)

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