part 22

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*5 years later*

to keep you updated in isabellas life : now isabella is 9 years old, nothing really changed, her dad treats her like a baby and is always overprotective. she's close with her uncle kairi the most, her uncle roshaun is still the same trying to turn bella into a bad girl and makes mattia mad.

although bella has the same friends, tommy and kylie, she has an enemy, emma her bully since kindergarten. emma was the opposite of bella emma is a natural blonde and loved the attention, unlike bella she hated the attentions, emma is a spoiled brat and bella trys to avoid her, teachers love emma since she acts to be innocent and wonderful infront of them and also someone joined "emma's squad" max and taylor they bully bella too but not as much as emma. keep in your mind that bellas father doesn't know anything abt emma. she wouldn't tell him especially abt max and taylor since they were boys her father wouldve killed them by his own hands.

now back to her reality shall we?


i was going to bed. my dad and all my uncles gave me a goodnight kiss and i went up to my room. when i laid down on my bed as thoughts came wondering my head.
(you imagine her room the way you want it to be)

that's until i heard i creepy voice but not from anywhere around me but in my head.

*abt panic disorder*

"your in danger bella"
"your gonna get hurt soon"
"someone is gonna hurt you"
"stay in this room don't go"

(this is called the panic disorder witch is: is an anxiety disorder where you regularly have sudden attacks of panic or fear. Everyone experiences feelings of anxiety and panic at certain times.)

i was frightened the voice kept telling me that im gonna die while i already felt like dying.

i laid in my bed for a few mins if someone walked in i just looked zoned out but in reality i was dying inside.

i couldn't take the pressure anymore and ran downstairs to were my dad was laying with my uncles i sat on dads lap and cried on his shoulder, i didn't make noises to not get attention but my dad knew so he carried my and went upstairs to his room. and placed me down on his bed where i grabbed  soft pillow and hugged it so hard keeping my eyes shut while i was feeling like dying.


"bells is everything alright" mattia said calmly looking as his daughter who was zoned out

"i'm gonna die" she blurted out

"what? bella no don't say thats-"

"but why does he say i'm gonna die?" she blurted out again

"who?" said her father confused

"the voice he says i'm gonna die what's happening dad am i going to die?" said a scared bella terrified actually

mattia knew exactly what that was, let's just say he did his research before.

mattia carried bella and placed her on his lap and hugged her.

"your gonna be okay bella dada is here and is always here alright, your not gonna die he'll go away alright baby, it's gonna be okay i'm here and no one is gonna hurt you" mattia says softly and calmly trying his best not to break down and cry, this is too much for him actually too much for bella, bella was only 9 years old and she already feels like dying.

bella calms down and falls asleep in her dads arms, also known as her safest place.

mattia laid down and tears started streaming down his face. he soon wiped them removed bella placed a pillow instead once he saw she was dead asleep.

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