Chapter fifty-eight

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Brea and Edward laid down in the meadow.... Brea had little yellow flowers, placed in her hair.

"Bella said Carlisle had to rebreak Jacob's bones last night, couldn't imagine the pain he went through," Brea spoke up. 

"W-why didn't you go?" Edward asked.

"I wanted to stay home and research wedding dates," Brea smiled.

"What date did you pick?" Edward asked.

"August 13th!" Brea smiled.

"August 13th?" Edward asked.

"Yeah! It's a month before Bella and mine's birthday! I don't need to be another year older than you...Alice said that she could get the wedding together by then, with help by Bella and Rosalie," Brea said.

"I'm sure sh-they can. There's no rush," Edward smirked.

"I've chosen my life and I'm still living it," Brea replied.

"So you're gonna let Alice, Rosalie and Bella plan the wedding....the whole thing? The dress, the reception, the guest list. I mean who knows who they are gonna invite," Edward laughed.

"I think it'll be fun!" Brea said.

"I-I don't know why you're doing this," Edward sighed.

"What? The wedding?" Brea asked.

"No. you're trying to make everyone else happy. But you're already giving away too much," Edward replied.

"You're wrong! I have always felt out of step, like literally stumbling though my life. I've never felt normal, because I'm not normal....I can do things, no other human can do. As far as I know this is where I belong. Here, with you! Because this is my world too. It's where I belong. I've had to face death, loss and pain in your world but I've never felt stronger," Brea smiled.  

"So what I'm hearing's not just about me?" Edward asked.

"Nope! Sorry! I've made mess trying to figure this out but I wanna do it right and I wanna tie myself to you in every way humanly possible," Brea said.

"S-Starting with a wedding?" Edward asked.

"Actually, something a little more difficult first and maybe even dangerous....we actually have to tell Charlie," Brea sighed, sitting up.

"Oh I see! It's highly dangerous," Edward smirked.

"Yes! It's a good thing you're bullet proof!" Brea laughed, standing to her feet.

"That is very true!" Edward said, standing to his feet.

Brea pulled him in for a kiss which was slow and sweet....filled with so much love. They pulled away.

"Please make sure the honeymoon is on a beach! And far away from everyone," Brea smirked.

"Will do, Mrs. Cullen!" Edward smiled.

"Alright! Let's go tell Charlie!" Brea squealed.

They both turned and started to walked towards Brea's bike.

"W-We need to talk about the bike," Edward replied.

"What about it?" Brea asked.

"Are you gonna get rid of it?" Edward asked.

"W-What? Why?" Brea questioned, frowning.

"I'm just need to get upset," Edward smiled.

"I-I was gonna give it...Jacob," Brea whispered.

Edward nodded, grabbing her hand....placing a kiss.  

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