Chapter five

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Brea and Bella walked outside, the cold morning ..... air nips their faces.

Bella shivered, wrapping her coat around her body, tightly.

"Great!" Bella mumbled.

Brea laughed.

They both turn their head when they see Charlie pull into the driveway, driving Bella's truck.

"Dad, I can drive myself to school," Bella replied.

Both sister's walk down the steps.... Suddenly Bella had slipped and fell into Brea knocking her down.

Bella groaned.

But Brea laughed even harder.

Charlie climbed out of the truck and rushed to the both of them.

"You girls okay?" Charlie asked. Concern filled his voice.

"Ice doesn't help the uncoordinated," Bella replied.

"We are like dominoes! When one falls the other is sure to follow," Brea laughed.

"That is why I got you new tires! Brea, I'll get you new tires tomorrow, could you ride with Please?" Charlie asked.

Brea nodded...understanding where he was coming from.

"Y-You got me new tires?! No one has ever done that before," Bella smiled.

"I-I'll be late for dinner. I'm heading down to Mason County. A security guard at the Grisham Mill got killed by some kind of animal," Charlie sighed. Walking over to his cruiser.

"An animal?!" Brea asked...wanting to know more.

"You kiddos aren't in Phoenix anymore. They've been hunting it for a week with no luck. Thought I'd lend a hand," Charlie replied.

"Dad, Please be careful," Brea sighed.

"Always am!" Charlie smiled.

"T-Thank you! For the tires," Bella smiled.

Brea looked at Bella and Charlie... she noticed how he didn't react.

"Come on, Charlie! Say you're welcome.... She's trying," Brea thought.


"Yeah! Prom committee is a chick thing, but I got to cover it for the paper anyway... and they need a guy to help choose the music, so I need your playlist," Eric said, staring at Brea... who was lost in a new book. Gone With The Wild.

Suddenly someone ripped the book out of her hand.... She growls with frustration.

"Come on! Arizona sisters! Brea stop reading it's not cute," Mike smirked.

Brea, Bella, Eric and Mike all walk into Bio.... Brea looked angry.

"Mike I swear to GOD if you don't give me back my book.... I-I will break your arm," Brea growled.

Mike laughed and leaned towards Brea.

"You don't have it in you! Sweet thing!" Mike thought.

Brea looked around and noticed the teacher wasn't in the room yet...She quickly grabbed Mike by the arm and pinned him against the wall.

"Give me my BOOK!" Brea growled.

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