Chapter thirty-one

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Brea tentatively approached the familiar large, modern glass house. She climbed the porch....approaching the door. She entered the house, to find everything perfectly intact. The Cullen family enjoying the evening. Brea is overwhelmed with joy at seeing them all.

"You're here!" Brea smiled.

They all ignore her. She started walking towards them but was stopped..someone pulled her. She turned to look and saw Edward...who started yanking her away, pushing her to the door and shoving her out...slamming the door in her face.



Brea woke up, tears rolling down her face....she climbed out of bed, anxious to leave the dream behind her. She quickly got dressed and opened her bedroom door, Bella stood in the hall....staring back at her.

"Brea? Are you okay? Have you been crying?" Bella asked.

Brea sighed and nodded, but quickly started to walk down the stairs and out the door. She climbed on her bike, turning it on.

She flinched when she felt a hand on her shoulder, she turned and saw Bella.

"Let's take my truck," Bella smiled.

Brea smiled weakly, turning off her bike and walked towards the truck.

"Let's go to Emily's house...I need to tell Jacob something," Brea said.


Bella pulled up to Emily's house, Brea jumped out of the truck and raced to the door.

"Brea. Are you okay?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, I Jacob here?" Brea asked.

Sam appeared behind Emily.

"He's with Jared and Embry, keeping an eye on things. I'm heading out soon. Should I tell him something?" Sam asked.

Brea shook her head...and raced back to the truck.

"Was he there?" Bella asked.

"No! But I-I wanna do something...and you can't stop me, I need to do this," Brea said.

Bella nodded.

"Take me to the cliff," Brea said.

Bella's truck comes to a sudden stop; both girls climb out. Ignoring the wind and rain, both stride to the cliff's edge.....looking down and saw steely gray water.

Suddenly Edward's apparition appeared in front of Brea.

"Don't do this Brea! Stop!" Edward snapped.

"You won't stay with me any other way," Brea whispered, moving closer to the edge.

Bella grabbed Brea's hand....Brea looked at her.

"Together!" Bella smiled.

Brea nodded, looking over her shoulder...taking one last look at Edward.

Both girls run and jump...flinging themselves over the edge. Into the cold water.

Brea and Bella swim up....both inhaled deeply and laughed.

"YES!" Both girls said.

They both enjoy empowerment, then turn to swim.... But realized the current is strong.

A huge wave crashed over them...they swim up but get smacked with another wave.

Brea is under the distance she sees a familiar redhead...she panicked and tried to swim away, but smacked her head against a rock. Her body started to sink.

Brea snapped her eyes opened and saw Bella, Jacob and Sam.

"Brea? Can you hear me?" Bella asked.

Brea jumped up...feeling the rush of excitement.

"Let's do that again!" Brea smiled.

"She'll be alright! Take her back home," Sam laughed.

Bella punched Brea in the arm.

"Ouch!" Brea said, grabbing her arm.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Jacob asked.

"I see...something," Brea sighed.

"Why would you both jump? Didn't you noticed it's like a hurricane out here?" Jacob frowned.

"I know! I know! It was stupid...wait, what happened? Something feels wrong," Brea said.

"Harry clearwater had a heart attack," Jacob sighed.

"OH MY GOD! Does our dad know?" Brea asked, looking over at Bella.

"He and my dad are both over there," Jacob said.

"W-Will Harry be okay?" Bella asked.

"I-I don't know. Come on! I'll drive you both home," Jacob sighed.

The Golden Swan // Edward CullenWhere stories live. Discover now