Chapter thirty-five

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Their path ends at a wall of brick. Jane just strides forward and, without breaking pace...she jumped down an open hole, Alice followed. Brea walked towards the edge, seeing nothing but blackness.

"It's alright! Alice will catch you," Edward whispered.

Brea nodded, and jumped down the hole...Brea is then caught by Alice, Edward quickly landed beside them.

Edward pulled Brea close as they followed Jane...His eyes met Brea's.

"Those reassuring eyes aren't working," Brea thought.

"I'm sorry...but I must say I've missed your beautiful blue eyes," Edward thought.

"You are making it very hard to stay mad at you," Brea thought.

Edward smirked.

They all climb into a tiny slowly moves down, then quickly opens.

They head through the lobby... and stop at two large doors, Brea instantly becomes nervous, scared, and angry. The doors open, Brea is suddenly faced with three ancient faces.

"W-Who are they?" Brea thought

"That's Aro, Marcus and Caius," Edward thought.

"What a happy surprise! Brea is alive after all. Isn't that wonderful?" Aro asked, grabbing Edward's hand.

Brea looked at the other two ancient faces and noticed one of them had a sour expression.

"Her blood appeals to you so  much it makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close to her?" Aro asked.

"It's not without effort," Edward mumbled.

"I can see that!" Aro laughed.

Brea looked up at Edward with a confused look.

"One touch and Aro can see every thought I've ever had in my life," Edward sighed.

"You're quite the telepath yourself, Edward. sometimes can't read Brea's thoughts...Fascinating," Aro smiled, taking Brea's hand.

"I would love to see if you are an exception to my gifts, as well," Aro said...

As soon as Brea touched his hand...she was able to see his past life until now, she stumbled backwards and looked up at Aro. Confusion swept over him.

"Interesting. I've never seen anyone like you before," Aro replied.

He released her, and quickly moved back to his chair, in deep thought.

"I wonder if she could use Jane's powers...against Jane," Aro thought.

"No!" Edward snapped.

"Let's see if she is able to use Jane's powers, shall we Jane?" Aro asked.

Jane turned toward Brea but Edward moved in front of her... Jane instead focuses her gaze on Edward which flings him across the room where he collapses, writhing in agony. Jane concentrates on him.

"STOP!" Brea snapped, staring at Jane...

Brea and Alice rush towards Edward... As soon as Jane looked away, Edward's pain ceased.

"Jane, dear. The girl?" Aro asked.

Jane looked at Brea...who was staring back. Brea focuses her gaze on Jane, who is abruptly thrown to the other side of the room...crying out in pain.

"Remarkable! She is able to use any of our powers. What do we do with you now?" Aro asked.

"You already know what you'll do, Aro," Marcus sighed, looking very bored.

"She knows too much; she's a liability!" Caius snapped.

"That's true. Unless Edward intends to give her immortality...but that's not your intention, is it? What a shame!" Aro sighed, turning to look at one of the guys who walked them in.

He moved towards Brea, but Edward tackled him.

"Edward, NO!" Brea yelled.

Alice leaped to help but several guards held her back... Brea watched in horror as they fought, knowing Edward was no match for him.

"Stop this! I'm begging you!" Brea pleaded.

Aro ignored Brea, leaning forward to study Edward.

"Felix is doing a splendid job," Aro thought.

Felix takes some hits, but then lifts Edward overhead, cracking him, then flinging him against a wall.

Brea runs towards Aro... a Volturi guard tries to fling her but she quickly moved away...throwing herself at Aro's feet.

"DO IT! KILL ME! JUST LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Brea cried, yanking her collar back...exposing her neck.

"ENOUGH!" Aro ordered.

Felix immediately released Edward who managed to look up, and see Brea kneeling in front of Aro.

"Get away from her!" Edward growled.

Edward moved towards Aro, but was immediately pinned down by Jane's invisible powers.

"Edward, stop! I've already seen it," Alice sighed.

"Alice, stay out of it!" Edward snapped.

"I know what to do," Alice whispered.

This caught Aro's attention, he gestures for Jane to stop...Edward goes limp.

"Ah yes, the clairvoyant. I saw your gift in Edward's thoughts. What is it you've seen?" Aro asked.

"Don't!" Edward growled.

"I'm the one who will change Brea!" Alice said.

"Please. Be my guest," Aro smiled.

"Not here! Her father is in law enforcement. If she goes missing, there will be questions," Alice replied.

"He is easily dealt with," Caius smirked.

"It will happen, Aro! See for yourself," Alice sighed, thrusting her hand out towards him.

The guards release her...she gives her hand to Aro, who closes his eyes.

Brea grabbed her head and started to see the vision.

Edward was hunting a deer....matching his pace with another's Brea. Both her and Edward laugh and take a last grand leap for the kill.

Brea's eyes snapped open and looked at Edward.

"Mesmerizing! To see the things you've seen, that haven't happened yet!" Aro smiled.

Alice moved towards Edward, helping him up.

"I'm so sorry," Alice whispered.

"Your gifts will make for an intriguing immortal! Go make your preparations," Aro ordered.

Brea raced towards Edwards' side.

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