Chapter forty

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They both climbed out of the car and walked up to the station, but stopped when they noticed Charlie sitting down talking to two very devastating people.

"There's someone missing in Seattle over a year ago. Charlie's doing what he can," Edward spoke up.

"You know something about this?" Brea asked.

"We've been tracking the situation in Seattle for awhile. Unexplained disappearances, killings. If the situation gets anymore conspicuous the Volturi will step in," Edward said.

"I-If they go to Seattle....they can come here. They'll see that I'm still human," Brea sighed.

"It won't get that far! We'll go to Seattle if we have to. Also Brea, my parents wanted to remind you about the airline tickets we got you and Bella....they are about to expire," Edward replied.

"W-What airline tickets?" Charlie spoke up, walking up to Edward and Brea.

"A trip to see mom in Florida," Brea smiled.

"Oh well, that was very generous," Charlie said.

"Y-You guys might wanna use them this weekend," Edward replied.

"I-I can't just drop everything.....and Bella might have plans," Brea frowned.

"It might be the last chance you see her before you graduate," Edward said.

"Y-Yeah I wouldn't mind seeing long as you use the third ticket!" Brea smiled.

"Wait! There's three tickets?!" Charlie frowned.

Brea looked up at Charlie and sighed.

"Super! That makes me really happy," Charlie scoffed.

"We are going to Florida because Victoria is coming here....don't you wanna stay and help them, I wanna help them," Brea thought.

"I want to stay, but I don't want to leave your side because she'll find out and come after you," Edward thought.

"I understand," Brea thought.

Edward hurried back to his car and stopped...waving goodbye to Brea.

"I'm going to make sure your mother makes him sleep far away from you," Charlie frowned.

"Dad! Oh my god," Brea laughed.

"What? I don't want to be a grandpa just yet," Charlie sighed.

Brea snapped her eyes up at Charlie....her face turned bright red.

"DAD! W-WE HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING LIKE THAT!" Brea yelled, feeling completely embarrassed.

Charlie threw his hands up in the air....

"I'm sorry for embarrassing you," Charlie sighed.

"Let's never discuss this again," Brea said.

"Deal," Charlie smiled.


"Brea, aren't you gonna miss this? Can't you just feel the vitamin B soaking up in your pores!" Their mother smiled.

"No I won't miss this, I'll miss you!" Brea laughed.

"You know colleges in Florida are a lot sunnier. I'm just saying if you go to the University in Alaska, I'm never gonna see you," Their Mother sighed.

Bella walked out and handed Brea a glass of water....taking a seat next to Brea.

"T-They do have a great science program, I'm all about that education," Brea smiled.

"You mean Edward program!" Bella laughed.

"The way he watches you. It's like he's willing to leap in front of you to take a bullet or something," Their Mother smiled.

"I-Is that bad?" Brea asked.

"It's intense. You're different with him. He moves you move, like magnets," Their Mother said.

"I don't know.....I guess you could say we're in...." Brea replied but was cut off.

"In love! I get it. I just wanna make sure you're making the right choice for you....and only you. One day you are gonna have to live with them," Their Mother smiled.

Brea leaned over her seat and looked inside of the house....seeing Edward, who was gazing back at her.

"Renee! Honey! I'm home," Phil called out from inside.

Brea jumped up and raced inside, throwing her arms around Phil..

"Hey there kiddo! How's the bike?" Phil asked.

"It's actually really great!" Brea smiled.

"Nice! So I know graduation is coming up...a-and I was thinking, maybe you should keep the bike," Phil smirked.

"REALLY?" Brea squealed.

"I don't need it anymore, and your mother said you've grown attached," Phile smiled.

"You could say that," Brea smirked.

"So I'm guessing the boy staring at the boyfriend?" Phil asked.

"Yes. His name is Edward, be nice to him," Brea said.

They both walked over to Edward....

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