Chapter fifty-three

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Brea and Bella pulled up to their house and noticed a familiar bright yellow Porsche, they both climbed out of the truck....

Alice and Charlie both walked out of the house....laughing up a storm.

"Don't be a stranger Alice," Charlie smiled, waving goodbye.

"I won't!" Alice said.

"D-Did I miss something?" Brea asked.

"Both of your alibis for the battle is all arranged," Alice smiled.

"Wait really?" Brea asked.

I told Charlie that our whole family was going camping this weekend. Bella, you and me are gonna have a sleepover at my house. Charlie is going fishing anyway!" Alice said.

"Since when are you both on first name basis now?" Bella laughed.

"Me, he likes! Actually, you and Edward will have the house to yourselves.... meanwhile Bella will be with Jacob!" Alice smiled.

"We're gonna be alone?" Brea asked.

"We're all going hunting, powering up for battle," Alice said.

Brea just stood there...unable to speak, she was completely nervous because her and Edward were never actually fully alone.

"Thank you, Alice!" Bella replied.

"You're welcome!" Alice smiled.

Alice climbed into her car and sped away....Bella looked at Brea and smirked.

"You and Edward are gonna be ALONE tonight," Bella said.

"Yeah....And?" Brea asked.

"ALONE!" Bella said.

"I know....why does it matter?" Brea asked.

"UGH. When a boy and girl like each other they tend to do things....and its normal," Bella replied.

"Wher-OH MY GOD BELLA!" Brea yelled, shoving her sister.

Brea shook her head and quickly hurried into the house...trying to get away from her sister. 

Brea walked into the kitchen and leaned up against the door seeing Charlie eating a sandwich, Bella soon joined her....they both stared at Charlie.

"S-So um dad, why didn't you get remarried after mom?" Brea asked, trying to start a conversation.... because just staring was starting to become creepy.

"UH....I don't know. Um, I guess I haven't met the right gal. Why?" Charlie asked.

Brea looked over at Bella...nudging her to join in.

"We thought you just maybe gave up on the whole institution of it.......of marriage. Do you think there's any value?" Brea asked.

"Yeah! Yeah! Marriage has value. When you are older, much older! Like you're mother it seemed to work out for her the second time around.....later in life," Charlie sighed. 

Within the next couple of minutes Brea and Bella were sitting at the table....Brea had zoned out as Charlie started having 'the talk' with them.

"Brea? Are you listening?" Charlie asked, waving his hand in front of her face.

"No. I don't wanna have this talk with you...besides mom beat you to it, a very long time," Brea sighed.

"Well you didn't have a boyfriend then," Charlie said.

"I'm pretty sure things haven't changed," Brea frowned.

Bella laid back in the chair and was watching....pure enjoyment plastered her face.

"All right! so you guys are taking precautions?" Charlie asked.

"Okay dad, please just don't worry about that. Edward is very much old school.....Marriage before sex," Brea sighed, her face rested in her hands.

"Old school, great!" Charlie laughed.

"OH MY GOD! Dad, I'm still a virgin," Brea blurted out.

"Great," Charlie mumbled.

Brea jumped out of her chair and started making her way upstairs.... Bella was behind her, laughing up a storm.

"I'm so glad you think this is FUNNY!" Brea frowned.

"I enjoyed every moment," Bella smirked.

"I could tell," Brea said.

Brea walked into her room and started to quickly pack....packing very warm things. 

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