Chapter sixty- nine

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Brea laid on a table while Carlisle looked at X-rays of the fetus.....that was rapidly growing inside of her.

"Her rib have cracked, but they're no splinters. It hasn't punctured anything," Carlisle sighed, looking over at Edward.

"Yet," Edward mumbled.

"Edward," Carlisle sighed, concern filled his face.

"It's breaking her bones now," Edward whispered.

Edward turned and looked over at Brea.... anger filled him.

"It's crushing you from the inside out. Carlisle, tell her what you told me. Tell her!" Edward snapped.

"It's alright. Tell me, Carlisle," Brea said.

"The fetus is incompatible with your body. It's too strong, it won't allow you to get the nutrition you need. It's starving you by the hour, and I can't stop it nor can I slow it down. At this rate your heart will give out before you can deliver," Carlisle replied.

"Maybe I can hold on for as long as I can, I don't wanna give up just yet," Brea sighed.

"Brea, there are some conditions that even venom can't overcome. You understand? I'm sorry,"  Carlisle sighed.

Brea looked over at Edward....and saw how upset he was.

"Edward? I'm sorry," Brea said.

"I can't live without you," Edward mumbled.

Carlisle quickly excused himself from the room and left Brea and Edward alone.

"You won't. You're gonna have a part of me. It'll need you," Brea replied.

"Do you honestly think that I could love it? Or even tolerate it, if it killed you?" Edward asked.

"It's not its need to accept it," Brea said.

"Because you've given me NO CHOICE! Brea, we're supposed to be partners, remember? But you decided this on your own, you've decided to leave me," Edward growled.

"No. No, don't see it that way. Please!" Brea begged.

"Well, I have no other way to see it. Cause it's me who'll will lose you, and I don't choose that. I don't ever wanna choose that," Edward replied.

"Edward....please don't leave," Brea whispered, watching as Edward stormed away.

Brea turned and looked out the window....slowly rubbing her stomach, she wanted so badly to turn into a wolf and runaway, but she couldn't. This fetus was stopping her from using her supernatural powers and killing her all together.


Brea laid on the couch....she wrapped her arms around her chest, trying to keep warm but suddenly she jumped up and grabbed the trash can....trying to throw up, but nothing came up.

"We need to find a way to get some food into her system," Edward spoke up, watching Brea from a distance.

"If I could only see the fetus," Alice sighed.

"The baby!" Rosalie frowned.

"Maybe I could figure out what it wants," Alice said.

Suddenly Edward looked over at Jacob....

"What's he thinking?" Brea asked.

"He just had an idea, it may work," Edward replied.

"It wasn't an was more of a snide comment," Jacob laughed.

"W-What were you thinking?" Bella asked, walking into the room.

"That it's probably just looking for someone to sink its teeth into," Jacob smirked.

"It's thirsty," Brea mumbled.

"I know the feeling," Emmett sighed.

"If it's craving, it's not gonna want animal blood," Edward said.

"I have some O negative....laid aside for Brea," Carlisle replied, walking away.

Carlisle quickly appeared with a cup....full of blood.

"WAIT! WHOA! You're gonna make her drink that?" Jacob asked.

"It's the fastest way to test the theory," Carlisle said.

"Only if you're comfortable with it," Edward replied, looking over at Brea.

"At this point....I'll try anything," Brea sighed.

"I'm gonna be sick," Jacob groaned.

They all watched Brea drink the blood.

"It tastes.....good," Brea smiled.

Bella walked over to the couch and sat down....placing a hand on Brea's shoulder.

"Mhm," Brea groaned.

"There you go!" Bella smiled.

Carlisle walked over to Brea and checked her pulse.

"Your pulse is getting stronger!" Carlisle smiled.

"It's working!" Esme smiled, clapping her hands slowly.

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