Chapter fifty-four

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Brea pulled up to the Cullen's house on her motorcycle....she climbed off and checked her surroundings, feeling like someone was watching her every move. She quickly turned around when she felt a familiar presence. She smiled, looking into the golden orbs of the man she loved so dearly.

"W-What are you doing outside?"  Edward asked.

"I have this feeling that we are being watched," Brea said.

"I'm sure everything is fine. Now come inside before you freeze," Edward smiled.

Edward carefully grabbed her hand and lead her inside. 

"I want to show you something!" Edward replied, leading Brea upstairs.

"Oh-okay," Brea smiled, quite nervous of what he wanted to show her.

They climbed the stairs, both were very quiet....all that could be heard was the thumping of Brea's heart. They turned the corner at the very top and walked into Edward's room.

"Y-You got me a bed?" Brea smirked.

"I thought you might need one to sleep in," Edward smiled.

"I would've been fine with an air mattress or the couch," Brea laughed.

"Was this too much?" Edward asked.

"No. No it's perfect! I love it!" Brea smiled, turning to face him.

Brea ran her hand across the bed....and smiled.

"I wanna ask you something," Brea sighed, growing nervous.

"You can ask me anything," Edward smiled.

"If I marry you, you'll change me yourself, right?" Brea asked.

"Yes!" Edward said.

"I want to negotiate my own condition if you don't mind," Brea replied. 

"Anything you want! I'll give it to you," Edward smiled.

"Promise?" Brea asked.

"Of course!" Edward smiled.

Brea slowly walked up to Edward, she placed her hands on his chest and moved them up to his neck. Gracefully pulling him into a kiss.

"," Edward mumbled, pulling away.

"Why not?" Brea asked.

"I don't wanna risk killing you," Edward frowned.

"You won't kill me, I may be human but I'm supernatural too," Brea sighed.

"I don't trust myself," Edward said.

"You can! I do. Everyone says that once I'm a vampire all I'm gonna want to do is slaughter the whole town," Brea replied. 

"Brea...that part won't last forever," Edward smiled.

"I want you while I'm still me. I still want you this way," Brea said.

"It's too dangerous," Edward sighed.

Brea flopped on the bed and laid back, staring up at the ceiling.

"Okay. I'll wait, I don't want to push you into something you don't want to do," Brea whispered.

"Thank you. It's just one big rule I wanna leave unbroken. It might be too late for my soul but I will protect yours, I know it's not modern notion," Edward said.

"It's not modern, it's ancient," Brea smirked, quickly sitting up.

"I'm from a different era, things were a lot less complicated! And if I'd were to have met you back then I would have courted you, we would've taken chaperoned strolls, iced tea on the front porch....I know I stolen a kiss or two but only after asking your father's permission. I would have got down on one knee and I would have presented you with a ring," Edward smiled, pulling out a small ring box.

Brea's jaw dropped...staring at the small box.

"This was my mothers. Brea Swan, I promise to love you every moment forever, would you do me the extraordinary honor or marrying me?" Edward asked, opening up the box and reveled a small blue diamond ring.

"You have me at the iced tea on the front porch! But YES!" Brea smiled, throwing herself into Edward's arms.

They pulled away and Edward gently placed the ring on her finger.

"It's so beautiful!" Brea said.

"Just like you," Edward smirked. 


I decided to change the ring, I will post a picture in the next chapter. Thank you for all the love and support. < 3

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