Chapter two

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Brea looked out the window, taking in her beautiful surroundings...she stared out the window with such awe, she had always loved coming to Forks.... she had always regret not coming back and living here. But now that she's back, she doesn't plan on leaving. Ever.

Brea quietly sat in the back seat while her sister sat up in the front, hoping Bella would warm up to Charlie.

"Y-your hair is longer," Charlie said, trying to make conversation.

"Yeah-I cut it since last time we saw you," Bella sighed.

"Guess it grew out again," Charlie said.

Bella just silence.

Brea kicked the back of her sister's seat...

"Do better!" Brea whispered.

"H-how's your mother?" Charlie asked.

"Good!" Bella replied.

They all three sat in silence.

"You both are killing me! I will force you both to warm up to another, again," Brea thought

Brea looked out the window and noticed they had passed the town sign....Charlie quickly drove through town, then it pulled up to an old two story house that was filled with so many memories.

Brea jumped out of the cruiser. And breathed in the cold, wet air....

"Brea? You coming inside kiddo!?" Charlie asked.

"U-yeah!" Brea smiled and raced up the steps... and inside the house.

"I-I put both of grandpa's old desks in both of your rooms... and I cleared some shelves off and in the bathroom," Charlie said, closing the front door behind him.

"T-that's right. One bathroom," Bella frowned.

"I'll just place these outside of your rooms," Charlie replied.

"Oh-no I-we can do it," Bella said.

Brea watched as they both reached for the bags, bumping into one another awkwardly.

Brea walked into her room, which was filled with childhood remnants that have seen better days. She unpacked her bags, pulling out all of her books and placing them into her drawer.

"Now that I'm settled, I shall read my book!"
Brea said, jumping up off the bed and grabbing her Little woman book... and walked over to the window and sat next to it. Reading. Quickly getting drawn into the story once again.

"See! Told you she was perfect!" A voice said.

Brea looked up.... completely startled, she looked around her room and saw no one.

"Alice..... She's not perfect, she's a human!" another voice snapped.

"W-who said that?" Brea thought, she stood up and opened up her window...seeing if the voices were coming outside. Again. Nothing.

"She is gifted! Just like you! You don't see it now, but you'll both fall madly in love with one another," The voice from before replied.

Brea grabbed her head and groaned out in pain, feeling a massive migraine coming....She heard a gentle knock on her door, she turned and saw her sister.... who was looking rather worried.

"Is it the migraines, again?" Bella asked, concern filled her voice.

"I haven't had them in such a long time, why did they come back all of a sudden?" Brea sighed.

"Are you stressed about starting a new school?" Bella questioned.

"I don't think so," Brea said, turning to look out the window.

Both sisters turned their head when they heard a loud roar coming from outside....Both hurried to the window in the hall, that faced out towards the front of the house.

They walked over to the window, and saw a faded red truck pull in.

"Twenty bucks betting it's for you!" Brea smirked.

Bella shook her head... staring at her sister, before racing down the stairs... Brea laughed and chased after Bella, both quickly exiting the house....curious on who was over.

"Brea! Bella! You both remember Billy Black," Charlie said.

"Glad you both are finally here. Charlie hasn't shut up about it since you both said you were coming," Billy smiled.

"Keep exaggerating, I'll wheel you down the hill," Charlie smiled.

"Right after I ram you in the ankles!" Billy laughed.

Brea laughed as Billy takes several rolls at Charlie, who quickly dodged them.

A boy with long hair walked up to both girls...

"I-I'm Jacob. W-we used to make mud pies together when we were little kids," Jacob smiled shyly.... looking at Brea.

"Really? I don't remember," Brea said.

"That's because you always had your nose in a book... but yes I remember," Bella laughed.

"Are they always like this?" Brea asked, pointing over at Charlie and Billy playing in the street.

"I'm afraid so! It's getting worse with old age," Jacob laughed.

Charlie walked back over and pats his hand on the hood of the truck... drawing both girls attentions.

"So Bella! What do you think of your homecoming gift?" Charlie smiled.

"No way! The truck is for me?" Bella asked, a smile plastered across her face.

"Pay up Bella!" Brea laughed.

Bella threw Brea dirty look before placing her hand in her pocket and pulling out a twenty.

"Just bought it off Billy, here," Charlie said.

"I rebuilt the engine!" Jacob added.

"It's perfect!" Bella smiled.

"Now Brea! I heard you have a 1999 Harley Davidson on the way!" Billy said.

"Ah yes! Softail!" Brea smiled.

Bella rushes to the truck, Jacob started to join her... but stopped and looked over at Brea.

"You coming?" Jacob asked her.

"U-um I think I'm gonna hang back," Brea said, feeling uncomfortable.

"Look! She turned down the wolf boy!" The voice from earlier said.

Brea looked around.

"W-who are you?" Brea thought.

Suddenly she felt the voices disappear. Quickly.

"Now when it snows, is Bella gonna take you to school?" Billy asked.

"She will probably be taking me to school for the most part!" Brea said.

"Charlie! They both are starting to look more like you," Billy replied, changing the subject rather fast.

Charlie nodded, then turned and looked at Brea.

"You know.... if you ever want a car, I'm sure Billy could hook us up!" Charlie said.

"That would be amazing! But I think I'll stick with the bike.... for now at least," Brea smiled.

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