Chapter eighty-seven

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Within moments The Cullens were fighting the Volturi.... Brea stood over Jane, knowing what she had to do. She raised her hand and slammed it into Jane's neck... causing her head to fly clean off.

She looked over at Aro, who was smirking.

"Doesn't it feel amazing?" Aro asked.

"What?" She questioned.

"The power of killing," Aro replied.

Brea took a step back and shook her head no......

Suddenly human blood filled her nose, she turned around.... Looking for the source. On the other side of the field, she saw Bella.... being fed on by one for the Volturi guards.

"No," Brea whispered, rushing off towards Bella.

She slammed into the guard.... knocking them over. Brea hovered over Bella, protecting her..... The guard laughed and raced off.

Brea looked down and stared at Bella... seeing the blood oozing out of her.

"Oh Bella! I told you to stay home," Brea sighed.

"Brea... I feel so cold," Bella groaned.

Brea listened to her heart beat... and noticed it was slowing down.

"I'm gonna save you!" Brea replied.

She started biting Bella all over the arms, avoiding where the blood was.

"Jacob!! Jacob!" Brea yelled.

Within moments a familiar brown wolf appeared.... Looking devastated.

"I-I bite her... she's gonna change, you need to get her out of here! NOW," Brea ordered.

Jacob nodded...

Brea carefully picked up Brea and set her on top of Jacob....

"This will probably be the last time I see you both.... I just wanna say I love you both and I hope you both get to live life to the fullest," Brea smiled.

Bella looked over at Brea... and smiled weakly.

And with that Jacob raced off into the woods.

Brea stood and watched the fight.... vampires and werewolves were being killed.

Suddenly fear filled inside of her... when she wasn't able to find Edward.

Edward? Edward? Where are you? She thought

No response.

She raced threw the field...looking for him.

All of a sudden Edward appeared beside her.... holding her hand, she looked up at him and smiled.

"I thought I lost you," She sighed.

"You will never lose me, I promise you," Edward replied, giving her a quick kiss before disappearing.

As the fight continued on... it got worse. The Volturi was winning.

Brea looked around for Benjamin... once she found him... he was staring at her as if he knew what she wanted.... He slammed his fist into the ground and soon it started to open up, swallowing everyone that stood in it's passed.

She looked around.... searching for Aro.

On the other side of the field, he stood there.... glaring at Brea.

And soon they both raced towards each other.... They reached each other quickly, Brea managed to kick Aro in the leg.... causing him to drop to his knees.

"Call this off now!" Brea ordered.

"Why should I?" Aro asked.

Anger grew inside Brea... nothing like from before, she grabbed Aro by the head and lifted him up.... and started squeezing hard.

"Call it off NOW!" Brea ordered.

Aro started to laugh....

Brea squeezed harder and soon his head crunched in her hands.... she dragged his body to the opening that Benjamin made and dropped it down. The Volturi army all jumped down after Aro's body.... including Jane's brother.

Brea blinked a couple of times and realized she was kneeling down.... She looked around and noticed it was all a vision, she sighed in relief. She liked across the field and noticed Alice and Aro were still talking.

"I found a half mortal and half immortal... he's just in the tree line, hear him out," Alice said. 

Aro nodded.

Within moments a tall man dressed in animal skin stood in front of Aro.

"My father was immortal and my mother was mortal... they fell in love and created me. My mother died during childbirth, and that angered my father so he left... so my aunt raised me and when I was old enough I changed her myself," The man said.

"How old are you?" Edward asked.

"I'm 150," he answered.

Brea turned and looked at Edward... hope filled their eyes.

"What is your diet?" Aro asked.

"I can eat human food or drink blood," He said.

"There seems to be no threat here... bring me the woman!" Aro ordered.

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