Chapter thirty-two

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All three of them sat quietly in the truck, Bella started to shiver...Jacob pulled her close, Brea was freezing as well but chose not to say anything.... seeing as Bella and Jacob were having a moment.

"Must be nice, never getting cold," Bella whispered, snuggling up against Jacob.

"It's a wolf thing," Jacob laughed.

"It's definitely not a wolf thing! I'm freezing," Brea frowned.

Jacob laughed.

"Anyway...It's a Jacob thing. You're just warm!" Bella smiled.

"Like the sun?" Jacob asked.

"Like the sun!" Bella smiled.

Brea scrunched up her face... feeling gross watching them flirt.

"Which always comes back! You both can always count on me," Jacob said, looking from Bella to Brea.

Jacob pulled along the Swan's house.... Brea opened the door, but Jacob slammed it closed.

"There's a bloodsucker out there!" Jacob growled.

"How do you know?" Brea asked.

Jacob looked at her with a confused expression...

"You can't smell that god awful stench?" Jacob asked.

"Nope!" Brea said.

"I'm getting you out of here!" Jacob replied.

Before he could pull away...Brea jumped out of the truck and raced towards the door.

"BREA! GET BACK IN THE TRUCK!" Bella yelled.

Brea looked around and saw a black Mercedes parked not far from Bella's truck.

"That's Carlisle's car! They're here," Brea smiled.

"It's a trick!" Jacob snapped.

Brea goes to open the door.

"DAMN IT BREA!" Jacob growled.

Brea walked inside....slowly looking around.

"Oh god! Please don't be dead!" A familiar voice thought.

"Alice?" Brea whispered.

Suddenly Alice appeared next to her.....

"OH MY GOD! ALICE!" Brea said, pulling her in for a hug.

"I heard voices ....I didn't think it was you're alive," Alice replied.

"Why wouldn't I be alive?" Brea asked.

"I saw you and Bella jump off a cliff... a vision of you both jumping, I thought I'd be too late...Why in the hell would you try and kill yourself? Kill Bella?" Alice snapped.

"I didn't! I-we were cliff diving," Brea sighed, forgetting Alice had visions.

"Why?!" Alice asked.

"Because it looked fun?" Brea said.

"That was fun for you?" Alice questioned.

Suddenly Bella burst through the doors.

"What is that hideous wet dog smell?" Alice asked.

"Oh. Probably Jacob and me....we're kind of werewolves," Brea sighed.

"You? I don't believe it, I don't smell the wet dog smell on you," Alice said.

"Werewolves are not vicious," Bella replied.

The Golden Swan // Edward CullenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora