Chapter eighty

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Edward and the twins walked in front of Brea.... everything was fine until a familiar, disgusting sent filled her nose.

She sped past Edward, searching for the scent.... She followed it to the main house. Only to find Sam.

She stood a couple of feet away from him.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Brea growled.

Sam stared at her.... Unable to speak.

Suddenly Jacob came running out of the house.... standing between them.

"I-I came to deliver this note," Sam mumbled.

Brea quickly snatched it out of his hand and walked inside..... handing it to Carlisle.

He quickly scanned the note and frowned.

"Alice and Jasper have left us," Carlisle sighed.

"Why?" Rosalie asked.

"She didn't say," Carlisle said.

"Can I see that?" Brea asked.

Carlisle handed her the note, which she quickly scanned it... trying to find a hidden message.

She noticed the page was torn from a book by William Shakespeare.... she sighed when she couldn't find anything else.

Within a few moments Edward and the twins appeared. Before Brea could open her mouth, Edward pulled her into a hug.

"I don't understand why they left. Do you think they knew something we didn't?" Brea asked.

"Alice left for a reason, we have to trust her," Edward smiled.

   Brea, Edward, Seth, Leah and the twins pulled up to the Denali's house.....

Edward went to get out but Brea grabbed his arm.

"Should I come or wait?" Brea asked.

"Wait here until I give you my signal," Edward smiled.

Brea nodded and watch Edward get out and walk towards the house.

"Mommy, do you think they'll like us?" River asked.

Brea looked behind her and smiled...

"They might be a little scared at first but I know they will like you," Brea said.

"They'll love you!" Seth smiled.

"They just need to understand the whole truth," Leah replied.

"They just never met anyone like you both. You kids are very special," Brea said, turning to look at Edward who was waving for them.

As Brea and the twins climbed out of the car... the Denali's stumbled back, looking completely shocked.

"Are you crazy?! The Volturi will come for us all!" Kate growled.

"You get those things out of here! NOW! Tanya yelled.

"They aren't what they look like," Edward sighed.

"THIS IS A CRIME!" Tanya screamed, charging towards Edward.

Tanya suddenly attacks Edward, but he quickly shoved her away.... Kate then attacks Edward but Brea grabbed her arm, twisting it back...and quickly used her powers against her.

"Back the hell off!" Brea growled, standing in front of Edward...protecting him.

"They both have blood in their veins, can't you feel their warmth?" Edward asked.

"Yes! I can!" Carmen smiled.

"I'm their biological father, Brea is their mother," Edward said.

"Impossible," Kate mumbled.

"It's true! They were born while I was still human," Brea replied.

"I've never heard of such a thing," Eleazar said.

"Meadow can show you...if you let her of course," Edward sighed.

As Seth carried Meadow over....

"Tanya, you owe us this much. We're under a death sentence because your sister didn't let us explain," Edward frowned.

Seth brings Meadow closer to touch Tanya's cheek....letting her see the memories.

"Don't be afraid... it's how she communicates," Edward smiled.

Suddenly amazement filled Tanya's eyes, which brought hope to Edward and Brea... knowing they had a chance at saving their family and future.

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