Chapter thirteen

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Brea climbed out of Edward's car...everyone glared at them.

"E-everyone's staring," Brea whispered.

"Not that guy over.... Yeah, he just looked," Edward laughed.

Brea looked over at Bella, who had a frown on her face....shaking her head.

Edward and Brea hurried off inside.

School went by super fast, Brea waited by Bella's truck... Edward walked by her and smiled, she returned it.

"Brea! We need to talk now!" Bella yelled.

Brea jumped.

"A-about what?" Brea questioned.

"Get in the truck now!" Bella snapped.

"Bella, calm down!" Brea said. And climbed into the truck. Both girls slammed the truck doors.

"I KNOW ABOUT HIM!" Bella yelled.

"Know about who?" Brea asked.

"DAMN IT BREA! Don't play dumb with me!" Bella snapped.

"First of all, don't start yelling at me... second of all, how could you possibly know?" Brea questioned.

"Your blue book, that you picked up from the bookstore...when Jessica and Angela were picking out their prom dresses," Bella said.

"You WENT through my things?!" Brea snapped.

"Y-You were keeping things from me, I wanted to know the truth," Bella sighed.

"You could've asked but then again..... it's not my secret to tell," Brea frowned.

Bella pulled the truck out of the parking lot and drove to the café, where they were meeting Charlie.

"So Edward is a vampire," Bella said.

"Yes, but you can't tell anyone! He means everything to me," Brea sighed.

"I won't! I just wanted the truth," Bella smiled.

Brea frowned... turning to look out of the window.

Anger grew inside of did fear. Fear that Edward would leave... Anger because Bella could ruin everything.

They pulled into the coffee shop parking lot.... Mike walked over to Brea's side and opened the door for her.

"So! You and Cullen! I don't like it," Mike frowned.

"MY GOD MIKE! I DON'T LIKE YOU, Why can't you get the FUCKING HINT! leave me the hell alone," Brea snapped, she pushed passed Mike and walked into the shop.

"What is it with these hormonal boys," Brea thought.

"Sorry we're late! Bella had to do something for Biology," Brea smiled, sitting down next to Charlie.

"I ordered you the garden salad, and I ordered Bella the seafood combo," Charlie said.

"You should order one for yourself next time. You need to cut back on the steak!" Brea laughed.

"I'm healthy as a horse," Charlie smiled.

"Even horses get sick and DIE," Brea smirked.

"Say Chief, boys want to know, you find anything down by the Queets river today?" Cora asked, utter sadness filled her eyes.... Quickly setting down their food.

Charlie cleared his throat, grabbing everyone's attention.

"The suspect's moving east. Kitsap County Sheriff is taking over from here. They're putting extra guys on," Charlie sighed.

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