Chapter eighty-one

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After traveling and gathering as many people as possible, they all finally made it back home....Brea stood in front of another gifted vampire, who goes by the name Benjamin. Benjamin was kneeling in front of the twins, he gently grabbed River's hand and uses his power to entertain them...

"Benjamin can influence the elements, kind of like River," Edward smiled.

Benjamin looked over at Brea than to River.

"Brea I heard you have a gift of many, can you show me?" Benjamin asked.

Brea nodded....closing her eyes, she concentrated on Benjamin's power and was quickly able to use the elements.

"Amazing!" Benjamin smiled.

"Watch what River can do!" Brea said.

River smirked....and closed his eyes.

Everyone looked up and saw how dark it was getting...and soon it started pouring.

"Incredible!" Benjamin laughed.

As it continued to pour... the forest around them started to come to life.

"What's happening?" Benjamin asked.

A small deer quickly walked up to River.... Edward and Brea stared with such amazement.

"River is also able to control animals," Brea smiled.

"Absolutely incredible!" Benjamin laughed.

Suddenly Brea turned her head and stared off into the woods.... Feeling two strange presence coming towards them.

"River take your sister inside," Brea ordered.

River grabbed Meadow's hand and rushed inside.

Within a matter of seconds two African American women stood before them, Edward looked at them and smiled... he turned towards Brea.

"Don't worry! They mean no harm," Edward said.

Brea nodded.

Edward grabbed her hand and walked towards the women.

"This is Zafrina and Senna, they are from the Amazon!" Edward smiled.

"I sense their gift! Zafrina has visual projection and Senna has the power to blind," Brea replied.

Edward looked down at her and smiled.

"Zafrina, Senna! This is my wife Brea," Edward said.

"We heard about the twins, we want to help," Senna replied.

"Of course!" Brea smiled.

"Are you gifted as well?" Senna asked.

Brea nodded.

Brea stood before Senna.... staring into her eyes, feeling Senna's power. Suddenly Brea had blinded Senna....

"Amazing!" Senna smiled.

"Brea is able to use anyone's gift," Edward said.

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