Chapter twenty-nine

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Brea laid in bed and kept thinking about how she turned into a wolf.... She jumped when she heard someone throw something at her window, she climbed off her bed, walking to the window...looking out to see who it was.

She saw Jacob standing there... she frowned, lifted her finger and flipped him off... closing her curtains.

Suddenly Bella walked in her room, with Jacob....

"OH MY GOD! CAN'T YOU TAKE A HINT!" Brea growled.

Jacob sighed, and walked back into Bella's room.

Bella looked at Brea and frowned.

"Go see what he wants!" Bella said.

Brea groaned....and walked into Bella's room, with Bella on her tail.

"Why are you here?" Brea asked, avoiding eye contact with Jacob.

"I needed to talk to you both...alone," Jacob sighed.

"To kick me in the gut again? It was bad before, but you made it so much worse!" Brea said.

"I know! And I want to explain...but I can't, not yet," Jacob replied.

"THEN LEAVE!" Brea snapped.

Brea went to push him away...but he didn't move.

"You're done with us, remember? Or did you forget? GET OUT!" Brea growled.

Brea walked out of Bella's room....getting angry.

Bella walked back into Brea's room....

"Brea? We are going somewhere, let's go!" Bella said, grabbing Brea by the arm and dragging her downstairs and out the house.

"DAMN IT BELLA! Where are we going?" Brea asked.

Suddenly Jacob was sitting in the driver's seat of Bella's truck, Brea froze.... But Bella pushed her, forcing her into the truck.

"This is kidnapping!" Brea mumbled.

"It is not!" Bella smiled.

They quickly reached their destination... Jacob took off running in the trees, leaving both Brea and Bella behind.

Moments later, Jacob returned...with Sam and his pack.

"What the hell have you done?!" Paul snapped.

"I didn't tell them anything. You'd know if I did," Jacob said.

"She's here, isn't she?" Paul asked.

"Bella, there's nothing to see should go home! Brea you need to stay," Sam said.

"Not until I know what you did to Jacob!" Bella replied.

"WHAT WE DID?!" Paul growled, moving closer to Bella.

Brea and Jacob moved in front of Bella... protectively.

"You three need to calm down," Sam ordered, looking from Brea to Jacob then to Paul.

"Sam, they know things about the bloodsuckers. They've been on the inside. They can help!" Jacob said.

"Like a leech lover and her sister are gonna help us," Paul growled.

"You better watch your DAMN mouth!" Brea snapped.

"Get a grip, guys," Embry sighed.

Both Brea and Paul are furious, their bodies begin to shake.

It's alright, Jacob, we'll go," Bella spoke up.

"All you care about is them," Paul snapped.

"PAUL BACK OFF!" Sam ordered.

"And Brea doesn't give a crap about you....she's just lonely," Paul smirked.

Brea flashed anger, pushing Paul. Hard.....Paul flies backwards.

"BREA!" Sam yelled.

Paul rises, outraged, throwing his head back in a growl....vibrating violently. Like Brea did, earlier.

"Too late!" Jared smiled.

"Bella, get back! NOW!" Sam ordered.

Paul fell forward but halfway to the ground there's a loud ripping noise...Paul exploded into a sliver, gray....massive wolf.

Bella, horrified, grabbed Jacob's arm...pulling away, knowing Brea was gonna turn... but Jacob didn't move, when she pulled. Instead he raced towards Brea's side.

Brea and Jacob raced towards Paul-wolf.

"BREA, JACOB! NO!" Bella yelled.

They both  dived headfirst into the air, with another sharp tearing sound...shreds of cloth blast into the air, fur started to burst from Brea's skin...once again and then Jacob. They landed on the ground a gigantic yellowish white wolf and a brownish wolf....both charging at Paul.

Brea grabbed Paul by the throat and threw him into the woods. They moved deeper and deeper into the darkness. Jacob followed behind.

After fighting for what seemed forever, both Paul and Brea changed back. Sam appeared near them...with Jacob at his side.

Brea stood up, covering herself. Jacob handed her a blanket. Brea smiled, quickly taking it.


Brea and Paul walk up the stairs of a small house... Bella quickly stood up and hurried towards Brea, relief filled her...seeing her sister unscathed.

Jared and Embry crowd them, searching Paul's arm...finding a scar.

"HA! Pay up!" Embry smirked.

Jared reluctantly handed Embry ten bucks, Jacob's eyes found Bella then Brea's. He nods solemnly to the door.

A woman with a large scar on her face walked up to Brea, with a smile.

"So you're the vampire girl?" The woman asked.

"I-I guess so! And I guess you are the werewolf girl?" Brea questioned.

Suddenly Bella grabbed Brea's arm and pulled her away.

"Wait! I didn't catch your name!" Brea said.

"My name is Emily, and you are Brea swan?" Emily smiled.

Brea nodded, and followed Bella.

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