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5 years later..

“Tina, I would record the match for you go get ready or else you would be late”. Tyler said with a grunt.

“No, there’s no fun in it”. I whined like a five year old.

“Okay, I will let this play in the background while you get ready and you can video call your cousins so that you can have a live commentary”. He said.

“Fine”. I pouted and my way towards the closet in our room.

It was already five years of mine and Tyler’s wedding and I had given birth to a beautiful baby girl and we named her Tiara Maddison Clarke.

People said she was a spitting image of me and while she had got her intelligence and nature like his dad sweet, innocent and caring.

Tiara Clarke, was one of the kids who didn’t like to be served in silver spoon even though she could have all the things in the world and we never wanted our children to be brats, we wanted them to understand the meaning of hard work and seriously we were enough lucky to have such values already inculcated in her since she was able to walk or you can say she could comprehend things.

Yesterday she turned three years old and she is so smart that she grasps everything that her teacher teaches her and much quicker than the regular grades.

“Mum, cwan ywou plwease welp me to pwut thwe dwress?” My three year old said.

“Yes Ree Ree, I will”. I said with a smile on my face.

I immediately helped her with her dress and once she was done she rushed out of the closet.

“Ree Ree, don’t run or you might fall”. I shouted from the closet while grabbing a blue coloured dress from the hanger.

I quickly put on the dress and my routine makeup thing which I am following for so many years and put my heels and walked out of the closet.

“Oh you bitch don’t take that run you are going to get out”. I practically screamed at the screen when I saw the batsman hit the ball and run for the runs.

“Boo! Fucker!” I yelled.

I didn’t find Tyler in our room so I figured he would be with Tiara in her room.

I quickly switched off the TV and called my cousins so that we can watch the cricket match together. My love for cricket match never diminished it always grew more and more as the time passed and after Ree Ree I started to cuss a little less because she was a lot around me.
All my cousins quickly picked up the call.

“It sucks!” I exclaimed with an exasperated sigh.

“I know, right?” Krish chimed.

“I swear to God, if they lose I am sure as hell I am never watching cricket ever again”. Raj and Yash said simultaneously.

“Me too”. Krish agreed.

While the other girls were never interested in cricket it was only we both sister’s and rest of our brothers.

“You said the same thing when they lost the match last time”. I pointed out the obvious.

It was so hilarious whenever there was a match between India vs some other country and if India would lose they would cuss plus and would swear to never watch the match again but it was all bark and no bite.

“So, where are you right now, Krishika?” Meet asked.

“Venice”. She said.

“Last we talked you were in Paris”.Raj said with a confused expression.

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