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“Guys! Can you please talk one after the other I cannot comprehend a thing you people just said”. I said on the video chat.

Everyone stopped talking what they were saying.

“You’ll get a chance to speak okay so the younger ones first so Pree, Krish and Heer you guys go first”.

“Okay Krish, you start”. Pree said.

“Okay”. She shrugged.

You guys must be thinking what is actually happening so the thing is I’m currently talking to my family on a video chat they all are gathered at my mom’s mom place to open their Christmas presents.

As they decided to open a day before the Christmas because due to time difference there’s 24th December in India and 23rd here and when they got to know that we were leaving tomorrow for the twins’ cabin they decided to open a day before so that I can enjoy with my best friends the trip so I decided to go with them.

“So, I will first open my present and I know I am surely going to like so than—” She stopped mod sentence when she saw what’s packed for her gift.

“Did you like the gift?”  I asked when I received no response from her end.

All I heard was a high pitched squeal.

“Dude, are you serious I mean is this the original signature?” She asked.

“Yes!” I said.

“How did you get it?” She inquired.

“Remember her latest concert I went to?” I said more like asked.

“Yes what about it because I know we received the parcel before you attended the concert, so how did you get it?” She rambled.

“It may or may not have happen the suit she wore on that day was designed by me”. I said.

“What and you hid that from me?” She asked unbelievably.

“You sneaky little fu—fudger”. She changed the curse word once she remembered that she had elders around too and cursing and my family don’t go hand in hand.

“We had a contract I couldn’t reveal the details about anything she was going to wear for her concert because it is one of her rules like everything should tell a story from her outfits to music and stuff plus she really likes to surprise her fans with everything so that is the reason I didn’t tell you also even if I wasn’t in a contract I would’ve told you about it there were chances I might have revealed your present”. I explained.

“Oh yeah I totally get it I am sorry”. She apologized.

“There’s nothing to be sorry about and I know you are going to ask about the concert was so the answer is it was magical, fan-freaking-tabulous, awesome”. I said.

“That’s great! You enjoyed and by the way I am taking this bag along with me during my exams and thank you for getting a signature for me too”. My sister said.

“If I didn’t, what kind of sister I would be I had to surprise my little sister”. I said.

“Okay now you’ll make me cry so before I cry Preeti open your gift please”. My sister said with a laugh.

We all laughed at her dramatic self and my cousin Preeti opened her gift.

“Wow Tia, this is awesome I am so loving it did you design it?”  She asked.

“Oh yes! And thank God you liked it”. I said with a sigh of relief.

“Of course I will love anything you would design for me and thank you so much you are the best”. Preeti said.

“Stop saying thank you dimwits you guys deserve it”. I told them.

“Whatever”. They all said simultaneously with an eye roll.

For which they all earned a smack upside their heads from their moms.

The Return Of Rebelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن