Book X: Girl on Fire

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Chapter LXXVII

A world rebuilt, one where she no longer had to live out the memories that plagued her. A world where she didn't have to be Pyra anymore. This world is what Galea promised her, no more pain. Did she even deserve it? She wasn't so sure.

One thing was for sure though, she was tired of feeling worthless. However, a voice within her heart told her this wasn't what she really wanted. Then again, that was all apart of Pyra. As far as she cared, Pyra was dead. Mira was all that was left now, and she didn't need to carry Pyra's weight.

She glared at Mythra, who lay unconscious.

"When we first met in the arena, I couldn't help but wonder what you were like. Someone... like me, compared to me, was she as unfortunate and scared as I was?" Mira asked aloud, as if talking to Mythra. "When we crossed swords the first time, I felt your heat. It burned so much brighter and hotter than mine, where I had power, you had more. But your eyes gave you away, Mythra. You were holding back from your driver, just like I and mine."

She stopped to let out a giggle. "Although your fear was different than mine. I was too scared of my driver and I lacked confidence in myself. You, however, were so fortunate. No... you cared for your driver, you were scared of yourself. You must think you're so much better than me."

Mira sighed, she had been sitting on the dirt, but now she laid down, crossing her arms behind her head. "You felt my heart when you crossed swords with me too, didn't you? You knew I didn't know you, but you knew how terrified I was. Was that why you instructed your driver to retreat? You could've beaten me into the ground and taken me back, rescued me right then and there. My driver wouldn't have dared show his true power to the public. You even knew he was holding back. You confuse me."

Even if Mythra could have spoken, Mira felt as though she wouldn't have. "You ran away, because you didn't know what to think of me. I scared you, didn't I? Perhaps I scared you even more than Silas scared me, even when he held his blade at my throat. I wonder what he thinks of me.... Do you think he cares as much about me as he professed? I find it hard to believe, after all I'm nothing more than a machine."

Mira started cackling to herself, so much so that she had trouble catching her breath. "But I guess I know that isn't true anymore, don't I? After all, if I were nothing more than that, Silas' gun would have killed me. Wouldn't have that been so nice? But even if I really am a blade, that means that I really am an Aegis, and I'm convinced I must be a laughable Aegis at best."

Mira finally stopped laughing at herself as her face fell blank, emotionless. "I don't want people to give me that same pitiful look anymore. I see it every time, Adonis never pitied me, he saw me as an equal. Well... maybe that's stretching it, he saw me as a tool to be used. But... isn't that what a blade is? A tool, nothing more, nothing less? I can't even shake the feeling that Galea views me the same way.... Ugh... this is so stupid. Fine, I'll kill them, just like she asked me to.... But after that... I don't know what I'll do."

"Let me make this nice and clear," a familiar voice said from within her core crystal. "You. Will. NEVER. Take her!"

An overwhelming feeling of safety and security overtook her entire body as her goosebumps rushed over her skin.

"Who's there?!" Mira yelled out, looking around. She had stood up without even realizing it. What... was that?

"Pyra, is that you?" I called out, emerging from behind the trees into the clearing of lifeless dirt. There weren't even clouds above this area, this area was where Mythra accidentally unleashed some of her power when Waylon died.

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