Book II: Of Friends and Foes

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Chapter XVI

"Silas," a girl's voice called out, but I didn't hear it.

"Silas...," she called again, to no avail.


I jumped up to see the girl who'd been appearing in my dreams, Sarah. She hadn't spoken to me since I left for New Torna.

"Bout time I got your attention. You should really work on paying more attention to your surrounding!" she scolded.

"Hey Sarah," I greeted drowsily. "Long time no see."

She giggled. "So how long can you hold your breath?"


"Because you must have a hell of a set of lungs considering how long your head's been up your ass. You gonna pull it out any time soon or...?"

"What're you talking about?! I just now learned how to fight with a blade and I'm on my way to show Acacia that we're not liars!"

"Forgive me, but human relations isn't my strong suit. All I know is that you're a matter of months away from this world getting ripped to shreds and you're waisting a lot of time," she said sternly.

"I'm sorry, do you want to share what you know or are you just going to leave me to question it myself? Because otherwise I don't want any sass from you," I quipped.

"Fine, whatever. Good luck in Tantal!" she said before everything around me turned bright white.


"I still recommend you spend time with the enemy!" KOS-MOS argued.

"Why would I do that?! They're the enemy!" Acacia yelled back.

"The enemy that was brought into our ship by your request. There is no better time to get close and gather intelligence!"

"Well if you're so Architect-damned smart, then why don't you do it, huh?!" Acacia snapped.

"Because I am a monotonous robot designated to be a weapon!" KOS-MOS said in a somewhat sad voice.

It was hard to tell what KOS-MOS was ever feeling. She was so monotone, and as far as Acacia knew, she didn't feel anything at all. KOS-MOS was just supposed to be a weapon... so why did she have so much free will and a personality even?!

"KOS-MOS, I-I'm sorry. I didn't know realize you were self-conscious of that," Acacia began to apologize.

"There is no need. I am designated for battle only. Any emotion produced by my AI are completely irrelevant and should be ignored."

Acacia wanted to tell her that her emotions were more important than that, but then she remembered that they weren't. KOS-MOS was a weapon, nothing more, nothing less.

"Right, then I'll go... talk to Silas then," Acacia nodded before leaving immediately, leaving KOS-MOS behind.


"Come on and eat guys, I made food!" Mythra called.

The ship we were in wasn't that big, it had five small rooms, a couple hallways, and a kitchen, living room, and dining room, however Mythra had apparently already acquainted herself with the pantry and had taken no time in throwing together some pancakes with the ingredients lying around. She had even made some for Acacia and KOS-MOS, who joined us at the long table.

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