Book VIII: The Fourth Driver

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Chapter LXI

Acacia woke up and took a look around. After rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she noticed someone was behind her door... waiting for her.

She grabbed her longsword and opened the door quickly, pointing it at the person's throat.

"Good morning to you too," Canaan replied, backing up just a little bit.

"What do you want?" she asked, not putting the sword down.

"We need to talk about your sister."

She put her sword down and let him in, but she wasn't sure what he really wanted.

"You recovered quickly," Acacia pointed out.

"That flesh eater has some serious power," Canaan pointed out. "But not nearly as much as you or your sister."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Does the phrase 'The day the Crimson Butterfly wars against the Crimson Rose, history will change.' sound familiar?" Canaan questioned.

"It's a saying that was forced on my sister during her training, why?"

"Has that war already happened?"

"The Crimson Butterfly was broken, does that answer your question?" Acacia answered.

"No," Canaan said, shaking his head. "The Crimson Butterfly was not broken, because she's sitting across from me."

"The Crimson Butterfly is the name of my katana that was broken when I fought my sister. I don't remember the fight, nor do I remember what happened, all I know is that it did."

"Your sister has powers like Mòrag did," Canaan explained. "Mòrag was forcefully fused with blades to get the power she had, and your sister had the same abilities but much more powerful. She could even manipulate the ether like a blade, she had her own driver and blade arts, and I'm willing to bet you're no different."

"I don't remember my own past or my training, it's part of the reason I left with Silas and Mythra, I wanted the truth. If what you say is true, then I'm one step closer to finding out what Adonis really wants."

"So you really don't remember anything?" Canaan asked once more, just to make sure.

Acacia shook her head. "But we need to be more careful. If Violet and I have these powers, then Adonis would never let himself fall short. If this is true, then it might even take more than all of the power both of our Aegises have to take him down."

Canaan nodded. "For now, let's go see what plan the BAP can cook up, hopefully it'll be enough."


"Wowie! Silas getting very powerful!" Rafi said as he got launched back once again. Poppi was in her QT π form, and even she was impressed.

"Even with maximum Poppi power, Silas still keep up!" Poppi added.

I laughed a bit. "Thanks for sparring with Azami and I, it's really helping!"

Rafi shook his head. "But where all this power come from? Even with Mythra, Silas not fight this well!"

"I've been going through some changes that I can't quite explain. All I know is that I'm not complaining!" I said. "And you've improved as a driver too, Rafi! You and Poppi really trust each other!"

"Mind if I give it a go?" a familiar voice asked.

It was Granny.

"You want to give it a go? I won't hold back," I warned with a chuckle.

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