Book IX: Aegis

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Chapter LXXII

"Can you take me to where Aion is?"

That was the question Acacia brought to Azurda, who responded with a solemn nod.

He took them out into the ruins of Morytha and to the World Tree itself, more specifically, to the top of the tree portion. The tree was bigger than any building or mountain, and once they were inside, they realized that the entire inside was built from metal and run by electronics.

"I don't know what Malos is doing," Azurda stated as we looked around. "But take care, he is not to be taken lightly."

Acacia wondered what he knew, what he had seen, but they didn't have much time left.

"Aion used to be at the top of a large elevator, but that part of the World Tree was destroyed five hundred years ago. Now, he lies in the next room, the same room where Amalthus and Jin died so long ago," Azurda continued.

"Thank you Azurda," Acacia said as everyone grouped together.

Acacia decided to do a head count. There was KOS-MOS, T-Elos, Gabriel, Kasandra, Sonata, Rafi, Poppi, Sheba, and Azami. Sheba and Azami had come along, without a driver. However they needed all the help they could get.

"I take it when we pass through that door, there's no going back, eh?" Gabriel pointed out.

"Quite right," Poppi responded. "Artifice Aion was at zero percent functionality five hundred years ago."

"Scans show only two people could have passed through here during the last five hundred years," KOS-MOS added.

"We know the most recent is Malos," T-Elos continued. "However the other lifeform was bigger, and passed through around the time that Waylon disappeared."

"Was Rex the big type? I can't imagine too many humans bigger built than Malos," Gabriel theorized.

"Negative," Poppi answered. "Rex was teenager, not bigger than even Nia."

"Maybe intruder not human at all!" Rafi added.

"It's not complicated," Acacia commented. "It was clearly Adonis, or whatever his name was at that time."

"How can Acacia be so sure?" Rafi questioned.

KOS-MOS chimed in. "Although it is impossible to be more than forty percent certain, the residue does suggest this is a possibility."

Sonata seemed to be getting very impatient.

"Are you ok Sonata?" Kasandra asked her in the background.

She groaned, annoyed. "Can we PLEASE stop procrastinating this and go get it done already?!"

"As sharp as ever," Gabriel chuckled out, and then he took a deep breath. "None of us are happy about this Sonata. I understand your impatience, but please give us some time."

"I don't understand the hesitance either, Violet would've charged in no problem," T-Elos pointed out insensitively.

Acacia ignored it. "T-Elos, understand that this battle may not even be within our power to win. However, none of us will accept failure in this mission. Right now we're the only thing standing in between Malos and the destruction of this entire planet, please be prepared to give it your all."

"What's that thing about 'inability to comprehend illogical human thought' KOS-MOS always says? Because that's my response," T-Elos stated simply.

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