Book VII: A Master and his Doll

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Chapter LVIII

"Canaan I'm boooored," Finch whined as he was getting ready to enter the BCCHQ.

"I didn't ask you to come along, why didn't you go with Acacia?" he questioned.

"You treat me like I'm family, and I don't want to leave you on your own...," she said, blushing and looking away.

Canaan sighed at the little green bird girl.

"Just please be careful, I don't want to see you get hurt."

"Wait, I just realized something!" she stated urgently.


"I have absolutely no idea why we're here," Finch chirped.

Canaan sighed. "C'mon you birdbrain, let's go fight Violet."

"You're not planning on letting her live... are you?" she asked.

"I'll do what is necessary, don't come if you're not prepared to do the same."

Finch shook her head. "I'm staying with you, let's go."

Canaan moved quickly, he had already done scans of the entire building. There were BCC soldiers on every floor except for one of the top ones, and he knew which floor she would be waiting for him on. The arena, the very same one that Silas had fought Adonis on the very first time. Adonis typically used it to show the world "his" new feats in weaponry in the name of protecting the people of New Torna and the world, it's these displays that gave much of the world unyielding confidence in him.

Canaan pulled out a tool he had grabbed from his old house, he couldn't believe Adonis hadn't raided it for Zane's tech..., but then again he also didn't think Adonis would've been capable of getting past Zane's security.

He cut a hole in the window with it, as it emitted an extremely intense wave of particles that could cut through anything given enough time. He dropped in silently as the lights brought the room to life.

The floor, roof, and walls were all a metal he hadn't seen too much of, probably remnants of Elysium. He looked across the room to see someone standing in the empty shell of a room, it was Violet's blade, T-Elos.

"I don't have time for you, blade. Where's your driver?" Canaan shouted at her.

T-Elos responded with a smirk.

"Cantaloupe look out!" Finch squealed.

Canaan immediately turned around to see Violet behind him. With one quick motion, she backhanded him with enough force to send him reeling about twenty feet back. Luckily, he had deployed an ether shield at the last second and didn't take the blow directly.

As he stood up, T-Elos zoomed in with her giant scythe and attempted to relieve his shoulders of his head.

He rolled under the slash and slashed her abdomen with his short sword. She winced and returned to her driver's side as the wound healed immediately.

"You know, your reflexes are much better than your brother's were, I won't lie," she giggled. "Also I'm pretty sure your blade forgot your name, that's kinda sad coming from something you worked so hard to get."

"Did not!" Finch shouted defensively. "I totally said Cannon, which is his name!"

"Drop it Finch," Canaan ordered as he sheathed his short sword. He then deployed the last ether field on the planet, the same one that allowed him to kill Mòrag.

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