Book V Finale

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Chapter XLII

"I need help."

"You... you're different from other people here, young one.... Who are you?"

"My name is Acacia Uzuki, I've been on the run with my sister for a long time, I need a job. Can you help me?"

"I smell the blood of those you've killed. Who?"


"Who did you kill?"

"...A man who claimed to be my father."

"Interesting, I may have something for you. Do you have anyone close to you other than your sister?"

"No, people are despicable, I want nothing to do with them anymore. I only care for her."

"I need you to leave her, and you can't tell her where you're going, do you understand? I will take care of her myself."

"You will?"

"So what makes you think I'm not despicable?"

"You are despicable, but I've run out of options."

"Good, then we see eye-to-eye. You're clever for your age, how old are you?"

"Do we have a deal or not?"

"Right. Very well, pack your lack of belongings, ditch your sister, and we will begin, Crimson Butterfly."


"So who are you now?"

"I don't know"

"What are you going to do?"

"The day the Crimson Butterfly wars against the Crimson Rose, history will change."

"So are you the Crimson Butterfly?"

"I don't know."

"Then you will lose."

"How do I find who I am?"

"Quit doing it alone."

"I don't need anyone else."

"Is that why you joined them?"

"Shut up, I don't know who you are."

"I'm part of you, so who are you?"


"I've been waiting for you."

"Of course, here I am," Acacia said, holding her blade in hand.

"So you're ready to end this?" Violet asked as she drew her own katana. A black blade with a black handle wrapped in a crimson thread, a crimson rose etched on the blade near the tsuba.

"Are you?" Acacia asked.

"No, I don't think you're ready to be honest," Violet responded. "You don't even know what you are, it's why I'm Donny's favorite. I know my role."

"Your role? You mean on a leash with his other bitches?" Acacia said.

Violet giggled. "I've been called worse."

They stood at the edge of Addam's Ravine. It was a massive canyon at the north edge of civilization. On the other side was a mountain range called the Jin Mountains. The unknown land on the other side was simply called "Architect's Land", simply because no one knew what was on the other side. It was too costly to try to cross through. However now it would serve as the first true battle between the Experimental Soldier Program, the Crimsons.

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