Book IX: Aegis

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Chapter LXVI

We landed a short distance away from where we knew they'd be. After a short walk, we arrived.

"I knew you fools couldn't resist a direct challenge," Adonis greeted.

I sighed. "Hello Adonis, I see your pride has healed, how's your sword?"

"That's the spirit," Adonis responded as a sword appeared in his hand, just like his other one.

Pyra emerged from behind him, and she drew her sword, not taking her eyes off of me. I honestly resented the way I had fought her.

Mythra threw me her sword as I locked eyes with Adonis. "You still won't fight with your blade?"

"I am not a blade," Pyra argued. "I am simply here to protect my master."

"Poppi not real blade either, I see no excuse," Poppi responded in an irritated fashion as she switched to her Q-TCE Finale form.

"This world is broken, so I will help her rebuild it," Adonis stated, although nobody could figure out who "her" was.

"Oh yes, because you've done such a good job with this one," Canaan said sarcastically.

"I tire of your constant meddling," Adonis replied to Canaan, "Return to the ether flow, and may you be reborn again."

Foresight hit me, but not Mythra's. However, there was nothing I could do. I shouted, but by the time my words reached him....

Adonis immediately flew past us as his sword began glowing its teal color, he simultaneously plowed through Finch's core crystal and Canaan's heart.

"I-I'm sorry Cantaloupe," Finch cried out as Adonis withdrew his sword and they both slumped to the ground.

"No worries," Canaan replied as he coughed up blood. "It wasn't... y..ou..r... fault-"

"ADONIS!" I shrieked as I slashed at him with Mythra's sword, to which he parried.

He laughed. "Now quit wasting everyone's time and quit holding back!"

I took a deep breath, I was anything but fine, but I couldn't lose control, not again.

"He's baiting you," Mythra warned me, but I could tell even she was falling for it. "Don't lose yourself."

"You too," I stated. "Do you think I can handle your power?"

"I trust you," she started, but shook her head. "But it isn't a good idea, he may be trying to take advantage of our inability to control our emotions."

"You...," Gabriel said as Kasandra cautiously handed him her weapon. "YOU SLIMY BASTARD!"

"BE SENSIBLE!" Acacia yelled back before grabbing Malos' Monado.

"You sure you can handle it?" Malos questioned her.

"I think it's time we found out."

Gabriel went in, and Adonis would have cut him through if Acacia hadn't countered it.

"Pay attention, don't die for nothing," she said as they stood back to back.

Gabriel sighed. "Fine, you're right."

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