Book I Finale

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Chapter IX

"Yes, hello, I need to retrieve my blade's personal journal," I said to the lady attending the large library on the first floor of the BCCHQ.

"So you will be registering your blade with us today?" she asked condescendingly.

"I guess? I don't know, I'm from Leftheria and was told this was the place to go."

"Ah, I see. Let me see your blade's core crystal," she demanded.

I moved out of the way so that Mythra could move her cloak out of the way, revealing her emerald core crystal.

She looked at me skeptically. "This isn't a funny prank."

"Prank?" I asked. "Her name is Mythra."

"Haha very funny," she said sarcastically. "The emerald crystal is the 'sign of the Aegis'. I know all that malarkey."

Mythra pulled her sword and lit it aflame for all to see as the attendant immediately jumped back out of surprise. Mythra then returned the sword to its hilt.

Startled, the woman quickly regained her poise as she spoke into an intercom. "We have a blade here of immense power demanding her journal, the journal code is MYT-AEG-123 and will need to be brought immediately. Please also ready the nullifier."

"Nullifier?" Mythra and I asked simultaneously.

"In order for you to have legal possession of this blade, it will need to be limited in power. We have a device that will cause this blade to look just like any other common blade and limit its power. This will make it safe and prevent unnecessary attention."

"Mythra is a she, and what do you say Mythra?" I asked, turning to her.

"Is it reversible? Like if I left New Torna and back into territory crawling with monsters?" Mythra asked.

"You will revert upon the death of your driver, when you return to your core crystal. There are no monsters that can't be taken care of by our police force."

"Well if we're just trying to get your memories back, surely there can't be that much harm?" I asked with uncertainty.

"We cannot give you 'her' journal unless she undergoes this process," the girl stated.

"I leave it to you Mythra," I concluded.

She thought for a moment before whispering to me. "When I come out, ask me about events that happened right before we walked in here. Make sure it's actually me and they're not trying something."


Mythra then nodded as she disappeared into the back behind a large, metal employee-only door and I was brought her journal.

I looked at the cover, it was interesting. The cover was black with gold bits all over it. It has a multicolored flame design in the middle, and at the very center was an artistic pattern. It looked really beautiful, but didn't seem like something Mythra would've used. I didn't know her well, but I felt she'd pick more white and gold than black and blue.

Out of curiosity, I opened to the beginning. It started talking about events that took place a thousand years back, but it didn't seem like something Mythra would write. The writing was such a delicate cursive and definitely written in a way that displayed curtesy and properness, something that I didn't think Mythra would've comprehended on this level. And it didn't help that the journal started with "My name is Brighid...."

After about thirty minutes, a lady came forward and brought out a female blade. I hadn't seen a common blade before, but she looked very mechanical. A metal gray color, with glowing blue eyes and her weapon was a katana. Something struck me as off.

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