Book VI Finale

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Chapter XLIX

The funeral was pure melancholy. Sonata's song was absolutely beautiful, and the service was very respectable. Even the people who hated the monarchy system showed their respects, easing my spirits. What's more, the Helios Trinity watched from the back, letting us take our guard down during this. After Zeke and Mòrag were finally laid into the ground, people began leaving, and soon it was just us left.

Perceval, the blade from the Helios Trinity, approached Gabriel, wanting to have a brief word.

"Hello, my prince," he greeted formally.

"Hey Perceval," Gabriel replied glumly. "And please, any friend of my mother is a friend of mine, you can call me Gabe."

"I have a matter to discuss, a... testimony, if you will," Perceval offered.

Gabriel nodded. "Please share."

Perceval paused before continuing. "In my data, my very core crystal, is a killer. A merciless judge who assaulted any that I deemed guilty."

Gabriel stopped him. "If you're offering to take revenge, there is no need. I will do so on my own."

Perceval shook his head. "No, I'm warning you. Something I was taught, taking the law into your own hands, killing someone through your own judgement. That's not what a hero should do. Let him live, but let him live out his punishment. I have learned that this is the true proper way to punish criminals, living to understand and be punished for their crimes, to allow them to understand that the entire world knows of their crimes, is truly the most merciless punishment for those who violate others."

Gabriel stopped, not really sure how to respond. He put his hand on Perceval's shoulder. "Thanks, friend."

Right after this exchange, Kasandra bursted through the door, before stopping nervously and apologizing.

"Don't be so nervous silly," Sonata teased. "You're not great at confrontation you know."

Kasandra blushes before shaking her head. "Something's happening outside!"

Gabriel headed out first, with us right behind him. We arrived in the center of town to hear a voice over the microphone followed by large cheers.

"We will end the monarchy, and in return I shall bring my influence to enrich all of your lives with New Tornan technology!"

"What's going on?" I asked, but I caught the look on Acacia's face, and I knew who it was.

Adonis smiled as Pyra stood confidently behind him. "Are you all ready to end the corruption that comes with monarchy? We will step into a new light! A new future! For all of Tantal!"

"My parents did nothing wrong!" Gabriel shouted from the crowd.

"You tell him Gabe!" Rafi cheered on.

"Go go Gabriel!" Poppi added on, doing a cute little clumsy twirl.

Adonis smiled, and I noticed Canaan looking nervous.

"Even if they didn't, you're destined to take the throne, aren't you Prince Winston Gabriel von Genbu?"

"Of course, they are counting on me to lead these people to greatness!" Gabriel replied.

"This is bad Silas!" Mythra warned me.

"We need to get out of here, now!" Sheba added.

"What's going on?" I asked them.

Azami giggled. "You are so oblivious for someone so adorable," she said, flirtatiously as always.

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