Book V: Uzuki

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I'm back guys! Jsyk my new chapter release times are Sundays at 2000 PST (8:00pm PST). I just released this one cuz I wanted to! Enjoy!

Chapter XLI

"And so that's what we did for month after month," Acacia continued telling us. "We robbed and swindled and pickpocketed and fought just for the hope to see our mom."

"Did you ever meet her?" Kasandra asked, obviously already sad.

Acacia shook her head before continuing. "We... found out the truth, and from that moment on, our lives were changed."


"I want to see her NOW!" Acacia demanded, no longer taking "no" for an answer.

Her father looked extremely angry before he stood up straight. He was much taller and more muscular than she was, and Ardanians weren't small people, he was very intimidating. Acacia was just a small child, however she was done playing this game.

"What did you say to me?" he asked in a threatening tone.

Acacia didn't waiver, she already didn't care whether she lived or died, she just wanted to see her mom. "I said, 'I. Want. To. See. Her. Right now.'"

"What makes you think I should grant you that privilege?" he glared, his rage very obvious.

"VI HASN'T EVEN MET HER! I barely even remember her.... I'm not playing around anymore! I'm twelve now, I want to see her!"

Violet was standing away from him, cowering behind her older sister.

Her father was obviously pissed. "You still owe me six hundred thousand girl, you'll have to wait."

"You're telling me we've stolen four hundred thousand g from innocents and we STILL 'owe' you? You've never even fed us! I had to steal even more just to take care of Violet!" Acacia yelled back.

"Acacia, it's ok, we just need to work harder!" Violet jutted in. "I don't want to fight anymore...."

"Better listen to your sister girl," her father said.

Acacia sighed. "I didn't want to have to do this, but you left me no choice."

Acacia pulled a revolver she had stolen from under her dress and cocked it, pointing it at him.

He immediately stopped and put his hands up.

"Unlock and open the door, and move, NOW," she said, very calmly.

"You slimy ungrateful runt! You dare pull a gun on your own flesh and blood?!" he argued.

"Acacia stop!" Violet squealed.

Acacia didn't waiver. "Violet, stay behind me, and cover your ears," she turned to him. "You heard me, move."

He eventually caved in and opened the door, moving out of the way.

Acknowledging his movements, she kept her gun trained on him. "Vi, move now."

Violet, on the verge of crying, nodded and moved into the room.

"You've made a huge mistake deary," the man said.

Acacia carefully followed Violet into the room. "We'll see."

Violet and Acacia went into the room, however they were both met with horror as the room was completely empty.

"I- I don't understand.... She's supposed to be here, isn't she?" Violet asked, crying for real now. "Maybe she's in the bathroom."

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