Book Finale

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"SOMEBODY HELP ME!" a Tantalese woman cried as a group of about thirty blades began punching their way through the boarded up windows and doors of her shop.

It had been only a day since the attacks started happening, and it had only gotten worse. Hundreds, if not thousands of people had already been murdered by these raging blades, and no one was any wiser on why they had started attacking, save the massive dragon hovering the sky. It almost seemed like they had lost any bit of personality or semblance of who they once were. It left a lot of people to wonder, what kind of cruel god would let this happen?

The woman was hiding behind her counter, holding in her hand an ether shotgun filled with fire ether shells. If there were any water blades, she was doomed, but she was hoping she could set the whole place on fire and escape in the chaos.

She finally heard the glass shatter as they slammed their way through; this was her last chance for survival.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" she shrieked out, but that only seemed to direct them to her.

Her hands trembling, she carefully rested the gun on the desk, aiming into the thick of the crowd, but she was struggling to pull the trigger.

"Oh come on! They're trying to kill you! Why is this... so hard...?" she thought to herself.

Just as she began to come to terms with her own death, she heard a loud crashing as someone fell through the roof.

"A little warning before you smash the ground beneath my feet would be nice, Kass," the person said as he stood up.

A small girl with a mask on the back of her head fell down through the roof behind him.

"Sorry Gabe! I could have sworn that I hit that lightly, guess my super good luck's just a bit off," she replied with a nervous chuckle.

"Right, right," Gabriel said with a sigh, her luck really was just the worst.

"Y-You're a blade!" the woman yelled from behind them.

Gabriel responded quickly, "Stay back, ma'am! We'll handle it from here."

He readied himself as he charged into the oncoming blades.

They attacked swiftly from all angles, however he was able to plant a small device on the ground as he backed away swiftly.

Another petite blade dropped down through the roof right behind him, she quickly took out some kind of ethereal device and began speaking to it.

"Canaan, it's done. Blades of every element except for light are here, I think this'll be a decent test," she said.

"Very good, stand back," a voice said over the speaker of the same device.

"C'mon time to go lady," the blade said as she grabbed the woman, picked her up, and jumped out through the roof effortlessly.

Kasandra jumped out with little effort, but as Gabriel went to jump out, his foot got caught in probably the only place his foot could get caught in the entire building.

"GABE!" Kasandra shouted, but it was too late, the entire building was filled with an intense ethereal blast.

As soon as the smoke had cleared, Kasandra dropped down and began frantically looking everywhere for him.

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