Book III Finale

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Chapter XXVIII

"How do you forget your own birthday?" Canaan asked Finch.

"Look, I didn't forget, I just... lost track of time," Finch responded.

"You say that with a lot of things!" Zane laughed.

"Ooh! Can we see a big forest for my birthday?" she chirped excitedly. "I wanna see big trees and grassy plains!"

Canaan laughed. "For the Architect's sake Finch we live in Torigoth. Gormott's covered in forestry, you can literally go outside and see it."

"See what?" she asked, completely losing her train of though.

"Oh what are we gonna do with you?" Same asked while chuckling.


"That's why I'm doing this," Canaan thought to himself. "I'm not turning back now, I leave here today with my mission complete, or I die in the hardest battle of my life. Either way, I win."

Mòrag looked at him, unwavering. "You say you killed him, and now you claim to take my life as well?"

"I WILL end it here, or die trying," Canaan responded.

Mòrag nodded. "I believe you intend to back up those words then, boy? I fear you are out of your league, but very well...."

Her dark brown eyes grew even darker as her black and red scythe appeared in her hands as she spun it around herself faster than Canaan could even see before holding it in a fighting stance.

"Then let us commence."

Canaan threw a strange device on himself, coating him in some sort of aura. He then drew his short sword and deployed an ether shield that was attached to his forearm, similar to the one Silas had, but much bigger.

Mòrag continued moving faster than Canaan could see, however his aura and shield absorbed most of the damage she was doing, otherwise he'd have died before he even took a step.

"Zane give me a read on her speed," Canaan demanded.

"I can't... she's too fast for the scanners, but her speeds seem to be approaching the speed of light itself, you may be out of your league here, bro," Zane answered.

"Maybe so, but that means she's not human, and I'm prepared for that," Canaan reassured before trying to get in hits, but they were in vain, as Mòrag was simply too fast.

"I'm impressed, most would have died by now, and you don't even have a blade, however I'm done talking," Mòrag said.

Her scythe was coated in a blue flame before she surrounded the two of them in a wall of fire. The fire burned hot, but did not seem to affect her at all. She used this to her advantage as she moved through the fire.

This, however, allowed Canaan to see where she was moving, as the trail of fire followed her. He pulled his gun and tried firing where he thought she'd be, although he was still only taking guesses, as she could outmaneuver the bullets themselves.

She caught the bullets and threw them back at him, which he blocked, thanks to his ether shield.

He threw down a light grenade, and it went off, letting out a large flash that blinded Mòrag.

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