Book IX: Aegis

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Chapter LXVII

     She hadn't slept that night, and KOS-MOS had refused to leave her side. Even after Canaan and Finch's funeral, she still couldn't believe they were gone. How many more people needed to die? Of course, she'd have been a fool to expect no one to die, but it still didn't sit right with her.

     Something else didn't sit right with her, either. Adonis had openly challenged them to a fight knowing he'd lose, so why bother? He had raised her like a father, and she'd never known him to give up. No, he wouldn't have fought them at all unless he had already accomplished his goal. That thought only worried her more.

     The way Py- no, Mira stabbed him... she was sure that Adonis was dead, and yet she couldn't imagine him ever dying. Why was she so attached to him? He split her from her sister and acted right under her nose. She told him, "I don't want Violet involved." But he involved her anyways.

     He had always been deceptive, and it bothered her even more that Violet attached herself to him even more than she had.

     "Acacia, I recommend you seek rest as soon as possible. Tomorrow's objectives have yet to be assigned, thus the difficulty of these objectives are unknown," KOS-MOS suggested.

     "Thank you KOS-MOS," Acacia agreed. "But I don't want to rest tonight, please go on without me."

     KOS-MOS shook her head. "Commencing sleep mode, but I will remain here."

     Acacia chuckled a bit as KOS-MOS rested her head on Acacia's shoulder.

     "Am I a bad driver, KOS-MOS?" she asked.

     "Running statistical analysis," KOS-MOS responded. "Efficiency between blade and driver eighty percent, morale between blade and driver seventy percent, effectiveness of blade and driver fight patterns are eighty-five percent."

     "Seventy percent?"

     KOS-MOS nodded. "Morale percentage is the highest it has ever been, and steadily improving. Analysis: You are doing the best you can, please continue to improve, I would like to be your blade."

     Acacia let out a weak laugh. "I love you too, KOS-MOS."

     KOS-MOS did go to sleep, and despite her best efforts, Acacia passed out as well.


     Acacia woke up to the morning sun hitting her eyes, she had passed out on the grass, and KOS-MOS was next to her.

     She stood up and looked around, noticing that she hadn't been the only one to fall asleep in a weird place. Poppi had fallen asleep next to the titan that had saved us, Azurda, with Rafi next to her. Sheba and Azami had fallen asleep next to Silas' bed, where he had still not woken up yet. He hadn't sustained any serious damage, so she wondered what was keeping him.

     The only one unaccounted for was Gabriel, so Acacia decided to take a walk around. After asking some of the folks in town, she eventually found him next to Canaan's tombstone, passed out against it.

     She decided it would be best not to leave him there, otherwise the townsfolk might think he was a creep. She gently shook him awake, to which he responded less than gracefully.

     He sat up and looked around for a solid forty seconds, blinked really hard, and then looked at Acacia.

     "You alright?" Acacia inquired.

     He nodded. "I... didn't get the chance to tell him before he died, so I thought I'd stay with him for a bit. I... wanted him to know he was forgiven."

     Acacia hugged him. "I think he knows, come on back with me. You need a shower."

     He chuckled, trying to hide his tears.

     Without saying much else, she brought him back to Nia's old house, where Silas was sleeping.

     Eventually everyone made their way back in the house, and Acacia made lunch, as no one had woken up early.

     Acacia did have the chance to finally talk to Azurda. Apparently he had been around for Mythra's first awakening and had been Addam's friend, on top of that he raised Rex and was there for Rex's entire adventure. He had been in hiding ever since Rex died, staying away from Alrest entirely, but Adonis had temporarily caught him about twenty years ago. He had brought Adonis to Morytha a few times before finally escaping, however he was eventually captured again and he had brought Adonis there for our battle. Acacia wondered what he was doing that made it necessary for him to come back at all, but he insisted it was to try and visit Silas.

     Acacia decided to leave him alone on the matter, because she had her own issues she had to deal with, and she brought it up while everyone was eating.

     "I'm taking KOS-MOS and leaving for a bit, I need to return to the BCCHQ," Acacia stated abruptly.

     "Has Acacia lost her mind?!" Rafi asked.

     "You must have a good reason," Gabriel interjected.

     Acacia nodded. "Violet is no longer there, which means she's about to take action, the BCC knows Adonis is out of commission, and it would only make sense that Violet be left in charge. However there's no doubt in my mind that she's going to make any changes for the better. She's more inclined to violence, less patient, and crazier than him. I want to go find out what she's doing."

     Sonata shook her head. "Ok, but what's the real reason?"

     "Pardon?" Acacia questioned.

     "You know what I mean," Sonata answered smugly. "Quit playing hard to get."

     Acacia let out a sigh. "Fine, I also want a chance to see what I can find in Adonis' office on what I am."

     "Then go," Gabriel said simply. "But don't do anything dangerous and come back to us, we'll be waiting and finding out what we can do to stop Malos."

      "Thank you," Acacia responded.

     Gabriel shook his head. "There's no need, you have a right to know what he did to you. If we need to leave in an emergency, we can ask Azurda to help us."

     Poppi also seemed to understand, but Rafi seemed to be confused. He didn't understand, but I didn't need him to.

     She left towards the titanless vessel with KOS-MOS close behind.

     "The day the Crimson Butterfly wars against the Crimson Rose, history will change."

     Those words echoed in her mind louder and clearer than ever. That was what she couldn't tell them, although Acacia didn't really know what it meant. However, she knew one thing for sure, a war was coming.

Readability Level: 11-12th Grade
Time Taken: 4 Hours

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