Making up for the time we had lost - Chapter 32

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Hey Guys!

Sorry it's been a while since I have uploaded but school is nearly over and I should be uploading a lot more since I will have waaaaaaaayyyyyyy more time! I hope you all keep reading and voting and commenting and fanning and asking me questions because I love it! (BTW all the people who have asked me to read their fanifcs I have had very long and late nights reading all of them and I love them allllllllll so if this chapter is shit its probably because of the lack of sleep!)

Love you all!

Love Toy Story xxx

Harry’s P.O.V

I stood in the small kitchen in our hotel room at 6:30am. I am not usually a morning person but I keep waking up so early for no reason which is really weird for me. I made myself a tea and started to drink it and thought back on everything.


I was on my way to see Paul, I needed to get my wallet back from him as he took it earlier on because I didn’t have any space in my pockets. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and started to text and walk but then I bumped into some girl, she was crying, the girl was crying.

“I-I’m sorry.” She stuttered as she cried.

“Hey it was my fault, love are you ok?” I asked.

“I just left home. I have no one - just no one.” The girl said, I pulled her in and hugged her, I knew she needed it.

“You will be ok, you have me.” I smiled.

“I don’t even know your name, I am sorry.”

“There is no need for apologizing, I am Harry and your name is?”

“Tash.” She said as her eyes glimmered into mine.

“Are you staying alone tonight?” I questioned her.

“Yeah it’s my first night out and alone.” Tash said as more tears fell down her cheek. She had the bluest eyes I have ever seen and it was so pretty.

“Hey everything will be okay. I don’t think it’s appropriate for a 17 year old to be staying in a hotel room alone.” I said.

“Oh that’s so nice you think I am 17!” She laughed.

“Well how old are you then?” I asked, usually I was pretty good with putting an age to a face but this time I was obviously wrong, she really did look around my age.

“I am only 15, Harry.” Tash said. I was actually gob smacked, she didn’t look that young!

“Well you are staying in our room then! No doubts okay, I can’t let a 15 year old girl stay alone in a hotel room, you can trust me okay.” I said as I grabbed her hand and grabbed her bag for her. “Let’s get you cleaned up alright, love?”

I knew it was a very fast and spontaneous decision but I couldn’t let her stay alone. She was so upset and she was staying alone which means she could do anything to herself.

*End of Flashback*

“What are you doing up so early?” I asked Tash as she walked over to me from the bedroom.

“I don’t know.” Tash yawned, I just laughed at her and walked over to her and hugged her.

She pulled away from the hug and sat up on the kitchen bench.

“Want a coffee?” I asked her.

“Sure, splash of soy milk and one sugar.” Tash smiled. Usually it was black and no sugar but it was good that she was trying to maintain her weight not lose any more.

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