New home - Chapter 25

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Lauren’s P.O.V

“Just sign the fucking form Matt.” I growled at him.

“She is fine in Adelaide I really don’t want her moving with Bernie he was quite rude to me on the phone.” Matt sighed.

“Bernie is one of the nicest boys in South Australia; he will look after Tash more than you ever have. The only reason he was rude to you on the phone was because he was trying to wack some sense into you but you were to stubborn to even listen to what he was actually saying.”

“I’m not stubborn!”

“Matt I was married to you for 6 years you are one of the most stubborn pricks I have ever met.” I said passing him the pen. “Just sign the pen for your daughter, she hates it here. It’s time for her to be happy, let her go.”

“She is happy!” He tried to reassure me.

“Lets look back onto her childhood.” I said. “From the moment she went to the school she was bullied and tortured by other students, when she came home it was either you weren’t there or we were fighting, she never saw you. Then we divorced and then she saw you even less because you were either working or with Casey and that killed her to know you didn’t want to spend time with her. She didn’t have her Daddy for her primary school graduation or on her first day of school each year or her singing performances’ or her volleyball grand finals. She just wanted her Dad to be there but instead all she got was a 3 minute visit every 2 weeks and sometimes she got to go to the rare football game or practice to watch you. When you told her you were having kids with Casey her heart sank even more, she knew she would never get the attention she wanted because it had to go around to 5 kids instead of 3. When you decided they could spend time at your house, every time she went she was always in tears and usually it was because of Casey but sometimes it was because of you. She still has trouble at school and she has way too much at home. Throughout everything Tash has gone through Bernie has been there step by step making sure she is okay, that’s why she always goes to his house. Other than Harry, he is the only guy who can make her truly happy. So let her be happy just this time Matt, she deserves to be happy now.”

He got the form and signed his name on the dotted line.

“Are you happy now?” Matt questioned me.

“Yeah I am and you should be to.” I smiled at him, took the form and left his house. I was pretty proud of myself.

Tash’s P.O.V

I sat on the couch at Mum’s house just waiting nervously to see if Dad signed the form or not. He probably wasn’t going to but I still had a little hope.

“Tash, Harry just did an interview and he was asked if he had a girlfriend and he said your name and then giggled like a fricken kookaburra in the early morning!” Rosie smiled at me as she sat next to me on the couch.

“Really?!” I said.

“Yeah it was pretty cute!”

“Hey Tash can I have your jet black 6 inch heals?” Isabelle asked.

“But Zayn bought them for me!” I frowned.

“Please!” Isabelle begged.

“If you look after them! Not one scratch!” I warned Isabelle. “Oh and one more thing!”

“What is it now Isabelle?” I asked.

“Could you hook me up with someone from One Direction?” Isabelle smiled.

“Isabelle, being honest here, you are not they’re type they want girls who are relaxed not girls who complain about everything and cry if their hair gets wet!”

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