Stuck here with you - Chapter 3

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Stuck here with you – Chapter 3

In the morning Louis talked to Niall. Louis said Niall understood how I wasn’t stable enough for a boyfriend especially someone famous, I wasn’t ready for the media attention or the actual relationship. This time Louis came up with a good excuse. I hated lying to Niall. I was sitting watching TV by myself on the couch when Niall sat next to me.

Niall’s P.O.V

“Look I am sorry; I didn’t know you weren’t ready.” I said.

“No it’s not your fault; you didn’t know it’s alright.” Tash sighed as she rubbed my back.

“You’re a very good kisser by the way.”

“You weren’t too bad yourself!”

“Let’s make sure everything goes back to normal, we won’t tell the other boys, just you, me and Louis know, let’s keep it that way!”

“I think that’s a very wise idea, nothing happened at all.”

I was really upset. I knew this would happen, I just knew it! I always fall for the girls who aren’t ready. It really sucks! I wish I was like Louis, Liam or Zayn, they had found amazing girls that were ready and wanted a relationship. I really wanted a girlfriend. I feel alone.

At least Tash still talks to me, that’s a plus. Maybe we should just be friends; maybe it was good that nothing was happening between us. Things would be less complicated, that’s a good thing. My life is already too complicated as it is.

I sat there with my arm around Tash for a while as we watched TV. It was nice, nothing was awkward. It was just two friends sitting there watching TV. Just as friends. Nothing else.

“Hey Tash.” Harry said sitting down on the couch, on the other side of Tash.

“Hey Haz! Did you sleep well?” She asked as he pulled her away from me. Couldn’t he see I had my arm around her? When I do that it means she is mine and no one else’s. Harry knew that. Just friends Niall, remember, oh god I was getting jealous.

“I slept good and you?” Harry asked.

“Yeah alright.” She said nodding her head then looking at me as she giggled. Harry looked at us confused.

“Did I say something funny?” Harry asked.

“Personal joke, you wouldn’t get it!” I said. Take that Harry, we have a personal joke and you don’t! Niall what has come over you? We are just friends, they are just friends, just snap out of it!

Harry’s P.O.V

“Tash I was thinking we should go for a swim!” I said to her. The boys hated swimming, I knew it could just be us two. Alone.

“Sounds nice!” She said excitedly. Finally some time for both of us alone.

“Niall you want to come along?” I asked him. Please say no, please say no.

“Nah I am alright, just had a shower, I don’t really like swimming anyway.” Niall said. He looked a bit upset and a bit angry, I wonder why? Well who knows what goes on in that little Irish boys head anyway!

“I will be out in a second, just going to put my bikinis on underneath!” Tash said as she walked into my room, grabbed her bag then walked into the bathroom to get changed. I got my stuff and got changed too.

After we both got changed we walked out of the hotel room and headed towards the elevator.

Tash’s P.O.V

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