Chapter 19: You Missed A Spot

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Yeonjun's POV:
I could feel my face warm up.

I hope it isn't noticeable.

Hana stood there, waiting for my response.

I had no idea what to say, would it be awkward if I said yes?

Then again, it might be worse if I say no. -_-

Hana softly chuckled, "W-what I meant was- can you show me how you put it on?"

I discreetly sighed.

Not because I was glad, but because I felt so... flustered.

"Uhh- yeah-" I managed to stutter out as I undid my apron.

I flipped it and proceeded to put it on backwards.

"Ok- you just- do this." I explained.

Hana looked at my hands as she tied her apron behind her back without looking.

She sighed as she finally got it on.

"pfft. now you look silly." She muttered quietly, as she walked back to the sink.

I mean, she was right, I looked like an idiot with my apron backwards.

"-meanie." I whispered underneath my breath.

Hana looked back at me and I flinched.

As I nervously laughed she handed me a sponge, "you do half and I do half."

There wasn't much I could do or say otherwise, so I nodded yes.

It got relatively quiet when we began washing the dishes.

I kind of struggled to wash them-

I tried looking over to see how Hana was doing it, but I noticed how far ahead of me she was so I began to scrub faster.

Hana seemed like an expert at washing dishes.

Not to sound old schooled or anything like that-

Maybe she has chores and washes her dishes all the time.

I sometimes wish I had chores- my parents banned me from ever touching a dirty dish.

I never really understood why, it's kind of embarrassing-

The rich kid doesn't know how to wash dishes... at least I can follow Hana's lead.

Now that I think about it, Hana had been eerily quiet this whole time-

I tried stealing glances to make sure she was still there because of how quiet she was.

She's capable of just leaving without me noticing.

As I looked over- Hana seemed to be in some sort of trance, she was washing the dishes, but she seemed to be thinking about something.

She must have had a lot on her mind...

I'm just overthinking...

"Why are you even here?" Hana asked suddenly as she looked over at me.

How was I supposed to tell her? I felt kind of embarrassed-

"Actually- I talked back to the secretary..." I said, ashamed.

As expected, Hana chuckled at me.

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