Chapter 34: A Long Story

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Hana's POV:

Hwanwoong and I stood there awkwardly, waiting for someone to say something.

"Move over-" Hwanwoong told me in a low tone as he avoided eye contact.

I scooted over and let him in- at least he brought paper towels with him...

Hwanwoong hunched down, opened the sink cabinets, and began taking stuff out.

I exhaustedly sat down beside him on the lid of the toilet.

His face lit up- almost as if he found what he was looking for, and then, he pulled out Febreze .

He looked over at me, and we both stared at the bottle of Febreze.

"Febreze?" I asked curiously.

"F-For the smell" Hwanwoong stuttered as he pointed at my sweater.

I looked down and it finally hit me- this isn't even my sweater.

Because of me, Yeonjun's sweater was drenched in alcohol- how would he ever trust me with his things now??

Hwanwoong must have read my expression, "Well- from my experience, alcohol can be washed out"

Of course you have experience.

I was so upset to think I had been so irresponsible.

"It'll dry up and make the sweater rough, take it off." Hwanwoong instructed me.

I willingly took the sweater off and handed it to him.

He scrubbed the sweater with soap under the faucet.

Hwanwoong started to smell the sweater, "I think it's just whiskey, it won't leave much of a smell"

I nodded along as if I understood what he was saying.

I only really know about wine...

As my eyes drifted away from Hwanwoong, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror-

At first I just saw myself, but the more I looked, the more details I started to notice.

Half of my hair was drenched in, apparently, whiskey.

Half of my face was still humid- and my eyeliner and mascara was messy from all the rubbing I had done.

The cute outfit I had planned out for Kyungmi was wet although it had been under Yeonjun's sweater.

I looked like a mess.

But I somehow felt more like myself than from before.

You can feel a way but not seem it. But my inside and outside finally felt... the same.

I grabbed the paper towels and cleaned off my damp arm and neck.

Hwanwoong closed the faucet as I finished drying up.

"Is there a hair dryer in here?" He asked looking around.

We finally found one in a cabinet, Hwanwoong sat on the ground as he dried Yeonjun's sweater.

I looked over to him. He seemed committed to help me, it reminded me of Yeonjun. Why are people so determined to help others?

"Why are you helping me." I asked Hwanwoong, deadpan.

Hwanwoong stared into nothingness until he sighed, "I thought you knew why"

My brows furrowed in confusion.

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