Chapter 8: Taken Aback

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Hana's POV:
"Eun-Hana, what are you doing here?", a voice called out from the doorway.

As Hana turned in utter shock, still serving an unbothered queen look, she found Mrs. Kim, her landlord's wife, looking back at her, and then slowly turning her attention to Yeonjun.

"Oh! Mrs. Kim!" Hana said as she stood up, and bowed.

Yeonjun suddenly stood up and bowed respectfully at his elder as well.

Mrs. Yong Kim is a kind, empathetic, charismatic, yet stern woman in her late 40's whom just happens to be the wife of Hana's landlord.

"Good day!" Hana said politely.

Yeonjun just kept sweetly smiling, he really had no idea what else to do, lol.

"I saw that the door was open, and I found it odd because you're meant to be in school, which, by the way, what are you doing here?" Mrs. Kim said as she sweetly looked at Hana, and then slowly at Yeonjun "and, may I add, what is this young lad doing here?" Mrs. Kim added arms crossed, jokingly.

"Mrs. Kim, this is Choi Yeonjun. Yeonjun, this is Mrs. Yong Kim" Hana said looking at Mrs. Kim and then at Yeonjun and vice versa, completely ignoring Mrs. Kim's question about him being there.

Mrs. Kim extended her hand and shook Yeonjun's hand. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you!"

Yeonjun was taken aback by Mrs. Kim's comment, but Mrs. Kim hadn't noticed. Yeonjun looked back at Hana, and Hana just gestured him to play along.

"The pleasure's mine" Yeonjun said with a charming smile.

Mrs. Kim was swayed by Yeonjun's charms, Hana mentally have Yeonjun a disgusted look, yet again, "If I had a penny for the amount of times this guy smiled, I'd have my rent payed ahead for a good 5 years" Hana thought.

"OH MY G- I forgot to pay my rent last week!" Hana suddenly remembered.

"Mrs. Kim, if it's alright with you, I'd like to pay upfront right now, I apologize for having kept you waiting, I was waiting for this week's paycheck" Hana said as she turned towards her room.

"No need to do so!" Mrs Kim said.

Hana froze, turned back towards Mrs. Kim and slightly tilted her head.

"Could you please elaborate?" Hana requested.

"A woman came in after you had gone off to school and paid upfront at least a year's worth of rent" Mrs. Kim said blatantly.

"My mother" Hana immediately thought.

"Normally my husband takes care of who pays when it comes to large amounts like so, but he was out of town today so I took over the office today" Mrs. Kim said innocently.

Hana met eyes with Mrs. Kim and softly smiled, "Thank you! I hope it wasn't any inconvenience to you" Hana plainly said, trying to get the unexpected meeting to an end.

"Oh! You haven't changed a bit! Of course it wasn't" Mrs. Kim said, "Now I'll get back to the office, stay out of trouble young lady, no messing around, I'm looking at you pretty boy!" Mrs. Kim said sarcastically looking at Yeonjun and Hana.

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