Chapter 56: Boy Who Cried Wolf

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Time seemed to stop around me-

I didn't know what to think,

But I knew we somehow had to beat Minho to the hospital...

Because Yeonjun's grandma was there...

And Minho mentioning her out of the blue meant he had something bad planned.

Knowing Minho,

He'd do anything to get back at someone...

I grabbed Yeonjun's hand and dragged him down the auditorium aisles.

"There's always a back door" I rapidly said.

The auditorium back door led us to the back of the school.

We were finally outside, but with no way of transportation.

Adrenaline began to pump through my body making me alert of everything.

"What now??" Yeonjun yelled.

I could tell he was freaking out.

His face said it all and I could see him breathing fast.

Minho had a clear advantage-

He had his own car.

While we only had our feet.

That's when I noticed a black sleek car,

My eyes widened and I rapidly tapped Yeonjun

"There's a car Yeonjun" I began running towards it.

The car was on and no one was around.

So I tried the driver door- and it was unlocked.

Yeonjun caught on and he got in the passenger seat-

As soon as the doors closed I stepped on the gas and drove off.

"Do you even know how to drive??" Yeonjun asked he began to realize he was in a speeding car with an unexperienced driver.

I made a sharp turn and almost drifted-

"My turns are a little rough" I said as I rushed through red and yellow lights.

Being the one driving made everything seem so fast and quick.

We were almost near the hospital when realization hit-

We had just stolen a car.

I was driving a stolen car.

I gripped the wheel and tried focusing on being fast.

I parked messily and we both got off the car.

Yeonjun led me to what he thought would be a faster way to get to his grandma's room.

As we got inside the hospital we realized that area was under construction-

Yeonjun halted for a second before ignoring all the "No Trespassing" signs and darted to the stairs.

It wasn't hard running up those stairs with all the adrenaline rushing through us.

The closer we got to the room the faster we ran.

We were desperate to get there quickly.

Worth It 𖧵 [TXT Yeonjun]Where stories live. Discover now