Chapter 36: Cheer Up Dummy

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Yeonjun's POV:

Detention was finally over, and Hana and I sulked our way outside.

Being inside for so long made me forget sunlight was a thing- so I squinted my way out the front doors.

"The library is this way-" Hana pulled me in the direction of the public library.

"Look who finally made it out of detention!!" Someone called out to us.

Hana and I looked over at each other before turning around.

Beomgyu and Taehyun were walking up to us with huge grins on their faces.

"This can't be good" Hana whispered.

"I thought you two would be home by now" I thought aloud.

"We wanted to come check on you two" Taehyun looked at me and Hana back-and-forth.

They're definitely up to something.

"Oh that's... sweet of you I guess" I mumbled.

Beomgyu jumped at me and put his arm around my shoulders, "Got any plans on this fine evening Yeonjun?".

I could tell he was trying to be funny.

I only had my study date with Hana to look forward to...

My eyes widened as I thought of a plan, "Actually yeah-"

Beomgyu began to pay close attention to me.

"Do you guys want to come with me and Hana to the library-"

"Don't you have to go somewhere Beomgyu?" Taehyun cut me off shamelessly.

"Oh- yeah." Beomgyu's face dropped, "my mom wants me to repent..., maybe next time~" Beomgyu waddled over to Taehyun.

I heard Hana quietly laugh at Beomgyu.

"What about you Taehyun?" I asked.

"I'll have to pass- I don't want you 'accidentally' exploding another juice box on my text book" Taehyun sarcastically smiled at me.

Hana began laughing but as soon as I looked over she played it off as a cough.

I planned on inviting them to make things more fun.

What if I'm not funny enough?

What if Hana doesn't laugh at my jokes?

What if I do spill another juice and Hana kicks me out of the country??

"Get home safe" Hana smiled and waved Beomgyu and Taehyun goodbye.

Beomgyu froze in place, I'm guessing he was shocked at her sudden kindness.

Taehyun nudged him back to reality, "You too!! Have fun on your date~" Beomgyu winked at Hana (as if I wasn't there) before he ran off.

I immediately looked over to Hana-

I was so embarrassed Beomgyu had actually mentioned the whole date narrative.

My mind ran miles trying to think of what to say next when I finally noticed Hana's expression.

Hana was stuck in place, like she was in the middle of a long thought.

I bet she hadn't expected anyone to say it was a date. She was slowly turning red.

"C-Come on, let's go before the library closes.., or s-something" Hana stuttered her way down the sidewalk.

I felt eyes on me so I turned around to stick my tongue out at Beomgyu- but when I did, no one was there.

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