Chapter 12: Student Volunteer

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Hana's POV:

"Eun-Hana, sweetie, Mr. Kang is asking for you, make sure to get a pass from the office." Ms. Baek walked up to me and told me as we had just began P.E.

I'm Mr. Kang's "helper". That's just a sugarcoated way to say "Student Volunteer". Kyunggi High has this program in where students get extra credit for volunteering as a teacher's helper. When I say "students get extra credit," I mean they get crazy amounts of benefits! That, obviously, comes with responsibilities.

I walk my way out of the gymnasium, right as I'm out the gym doors, I have the urge to look back, as if expecting to see someone there, waiting for me.

I turn and my eyes lock onto Choi Yeonjun. He was looking away from me, he looked so much calmer. I never realized how tall he was, the more you know I guess.

I'm skipping P.E. but I already feel tired as ever, pretty boy really had me running circles all day.

... am I actually starting to call him "pretty boy,"??? What kind of witch spell did he cast this time?

Oh! Right... gotta go to the office...

I quickly averted my gaze away from Yeonjun and finally walked down the hallway.

It's really a bummer having to skip out on P.E. and other classes, not like that guy who thanked me after he had to miss class because of me. I think I've heard Chaeyoung mention him before... Soobin is it? Well whoever he is, it doesn't matter right now.

I was really looking forward to P.E. though...

"That's the kind of thing a Student Volunteer has to sacrifice" my mom would probably be telling me right now...

I'm glad I was able to become Mr. Kang's helper, he's a very understanding and kind teacher. He's mentioned having a son who's a bit younger than me, maybe that's why he understands teenagers, because he has one of his own.

All of this volunteering and hard work is going to a good cause! I've gotta stop pitying myself, missing P.E. once or twice won't kill me.

I'll go to my ideal college on my own accord, without my parents pitching in any amount of money, and definitely without bribing anyone. I'll major in whatever field I want. I'll finally feel like i've... accomplished something on my own...

But until then, I guess I got to work harder than ever.

I turned the final corner to the office, and I saw Soyeon walking out of the restroom.

Lucky me! She and I made immediate eye contact.

It was quite awkward and shocking for both of us, we weren't expecting to see each other, so we stood there for a while, frozen.

I looked away but I managed to compose myself, "You probably have a lot of questions-"

"Hell yeah I do!" Soyeon interrupted me.

We both looked around, checking for anyone who may see us talking. When we were absoloutely sure no one was around, I took her hand and headed to a dead end hallway.

"You got, what? 20 out of 50? You're making it seem like you failed English." I stated firmly, expressionless.

Soyeon crossed her arms and slightly poutted, "When you put it like that, you make me seem like a drama queen..." Soyeon murmured, "Well, I thought I'd be mad, I tried to feel mad, but... I couldn't care less about English class."

I deeply sighed, and scratched the back of my neck, "... how's your dad been?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"He's as joyful as ever." Soyeon said with a soft smile on her face.

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